Remus' wish

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Remus watched Harry play with Teddy. They looked so happy. It was Teddy's 8th birthday today and he was growing up so fast.

Later that day Harry sang the song "No Need To Say Goodbye" and Remus had tears in his eyes. After Harry finished the song he told Teddy about Remus and Tonks. He told Teddy stories of how Remus was scared Teddy was going to be a werewolf and he ran away. Then Harry persuaded him to go back to Tonks and Teddy was born. A few months later Remus & Tonks asked Harry if he could be Teddy's Godfather. Harry said yes. Teddy was listening raptly. Then he asked "How did Mummy and Daddy die?" Harry took a deep breath and told Teddy that Remus had been fighting Dolohov. He got killed and then Tonks, went to find Remus and got killed as well. Both Teddy and Harry cried, as did Remus and Tonks, who had snuck up behind him to see what was happening.

In the evening Teddy was put to bed and Harry started crying all over again. He said "Remus, if only you were here, you would have been so proud of Teddy." Remus started crying and whispered "I am proud of Teddy. I wish that I wasn't dead, as well as Dora, Sirius, Lily, James and Fred."

Remus didn't know that the next day his wish would be granted.

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