A Marauders Reunion

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Remus' POV

I woke up in my coffin, Dora next to me. I shook her awake and told her "I wished that we were alive, as well as Fred, Sirius, James and Lily. My wish was granted so now we can see Harry, Andromeda, Teddy, Sirius, James and Lily again!" Dora immediately leapt up and apparated to where Harry & Ginny live. I was quick to follow and ended up in the house I had seen Harry (and Teddy from time to time) in for years.

I spotted Teddy and went up to him. He asked "are you my Daddy?" and I nodded and then hugged him as we both cried. I saw Dora come in and she joined our hug and we all stood there, hugging each other and crying.

Sirius walked in the room and spotted me. I shouted "Sirius!" and hugged him really hard. I told him "I have missed you so much! I was the last Marauder alive for 2 years!" I promptly starting crying all over again and Sirius hugged me again. In an attempt to cheer me up he asked me "so, you had a child with my cousin Tonks? What's his name?" Teddy replied with "I'm called Teddy!" Sirius asked him "how old are you Teddy?" Teddy told him "my 8th birthday was yesterday! So I'm 8 now!" I smiled at him and then kissed him on his forehead. He smiled widely and then hugged me. He said "I missed you so much!" and then started crying once again. I hugged him back and told him "I missed you too!" The door opened and we all turned around. James and Lily were there! Sirius and I both ran towards them and we all had a huge group hug. Dora starting crying because it was so emotional! We hadn't see each other for more than a decade! Not counting the years Sirius & I were dead. Sirius hadn't seen them for 15 years and I hadn't seen them for 17 years. We were all crying so much! It had been such an emotional day! We had totally forgotten about what would happen when Harry comes home, and we didn't even know where Ginny was. We didn't really care at that moment in honesty. All we cared about was that we were all reunited again after so many years!

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