Group Chats

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First of all, not gonna lie I am obsessed with making group chat's. Like, I literally have 13 group chats just on WhatsApp alone. But sometimes they are so. Damn. Irritating.

Alright, so the first thing that I hate about group chats is when some people or just one person in the group chat is talking about either you or someone else in the group. Like you aren't there.

I really would say I'm sorry but then again, I'm not cause HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE??? I mean half of the time I create the chats, so if someone is talking about me

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I really would say I'm sorry but then again, I'm not cause HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE??? I mean half of the time I create the chats, so if someone is talking about me...on my chat that I made...'I'm confusion'. In all seriousness though this isn't the most common or most annoying but I just thought that I'd put it out there, cause why not?

The next struggle is when the chat is going past too quick so you are literally the flash on the keyboard trying to get all of your jokes in; because if you don't get all of your jokes in, in time, there is no point sending it, and if you do send it everyone will be confused and your life in general will be the joke instead :). Now that's what I call relatable. Like someone will say something in the chat, and it might remind you of an inside joke , and then everyone comes online and reads the message. It might sound ridiculous but its basically like 'Black Friday' at that point. Everyone is 'fighting' over who is going to be the first to get their funny reference or inside joke in. Or you know, someone just replies with the most boring reply ever, like 'lol'...'LOL'...ARE YOU SERIOUS???

Now we have the all time favourite group chat struggle...when you are typing too quick or you are tired and you make a typo (or auto correct is blatantly out to get you). Then everyone proceeds to tell you about it and make fun of it. A lot of the time it becomes a meme/inside joke. Now this isn't always bad, it can be really funny a lot of the time, but then sometimes (especially when it's you who made the typo) it's extremely annoying and embarrassing and makes you wish that you never lived.

Seriously...I made one mistake, ONE DAMN MISTAKE

That's it for now, feel free to tell me some struggles of your own and maybe some requests of other things. See you soon


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