School Pt 2. Comebacks

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Hey lovelies! Okay first of all, I have a new cover!! Finally seriously I just sat there and drew something quickly and then added writing blablablaaa and there we go! Anyways today I am doing about comebacks as you can see...cause let's be honest, most of them are so painfully terrible that it makes you want to rip your hair right out of your head.

Okay so the first awful comeback is definitely one of the most common, East least when I was in Primary school it was. 'I know you are but what am I?' I'm sorry but if you call someone an idiot and they say 'I know you are but what am I?', you immediately - or at least I do anyway- want to go right up to their smug little face and say 'an unoriginal twit that's what you are, next.' Like seriously. Not gonna lie though, 1, I did use this a tiny bit in school but like...every time I did use it, I instantly wanted to die in a hole. And 2, I would probably not say that to a person, in person, like most of these things that I am saying as a comeback, to the terrible comebacks? Woah that was a mouthful and now I feel smart for actually understanding what I meant.

The next comeback is something that you can only use if someone calls you one certain thing, a bitch. Now there is no way that you have no idea which comeback I am talking about right now. If you don't, lucky you, but I am going to fill you in on it anyway, so get your popcorn because it's long and annoying as hell so you will need to chew on something, other than anyone who ever says this. 'A bitch is a female dog, a dog barks, bark is on a tree, a tree is part of nature, and nature's beautiful. So you just called me beautiful.' Okay, first of all, I did not call you beautiful whatsoever so fuck off. And second....what year is it?

Another, 'if I wanted to kill myself, I would climb up your ego and jump off of your IQ.' (Let me just get this out, no one has ever said this to me because my ego is smaller than a bacteria so uhh yeah). Says the person using this comeback. Seriously, you don't need a brain of any sort to think of this. So I don't see why when people use this, they act all smug and then strut off like they're Beyoncé for saying one - honestly stupid - sentence.

'Deez nuts'. Sorry Jim? What did you say? 'Deez nuts'? I'm sorry but I don't see any nuts around here, definitely not anywhere near you. A squirrel must have ran away with them Jim because my nuts are bigger than yours and I'm a girl for fuck sake. This comeback was a really popular one actually and it kills me to know that most - if not all - boys have used this once in there life, or at least the boys in around 2015? I never really kept up with 'trendy' comebacks because all of them are God awful.

'Your mum'. Jim, stop trying to get with the popular kids, because my mum did not do any of that. I'm sorry Jim but I have noticed that no mother picks you up from nursery or drops you off so I'm questioning if you even have a mother. If that is the case Jim, then you can't say anything whatsoever about my mother or any mother. So check your facts, get good comebacks and when you've done that, come back to me when I actually care for what you a have to say Jim. God damnit. (If you don't live with one of your parents or any of them, please don't take offence to this, that is really the last thing I want to do. Keep in mind that this is just for comedic reasons - if I'm even funny - and good things will happen soon, keep your head up high).

'Talk to the hand'. I'd rather not talk to you at all Jim. Okay, okay, I'll,  stop with all the Jim stuff but it was pretty fun to write not gonna lie about that. Anyways, in all seriousness, this comeback is cringey as hell. Especially, when the person does the actions and puts their crusty hand *gag* right in your face. Just saying, but if I was insulting you or anything, it clearly means that I don't like you or I am annoyed at you right now. So if that is the case, I clearly don't want to talk to your face or your crusty hand, so get that Shrek like thing out of my face, before I kill someone...or just throw up all over it. Either way, I don't want to see that thing.

'You don't know me'. Okay first off, I love that song. But anyway, I might not know everything about you, but I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't get into a cringey argument with you if I didn't know you. But then again, it's 2017 and literally everyone argues about everything. From what I've seen anyway.

'Hashtag (something extremely cringey)'. This will smoothly lead me onto my next update thank God. A decent transition. Anyways, it is so annoying and cringey when people speak like they have just stepped out of Instagram. There is actually no need for it. I'm pretty sure that it wouldn't hurt to use proper English - that will only take a few seconds more of your time - that will make you sound like a decent, well-spoken human being. Everyone that knows me really well always 'laugh' at the way I speak because I speak like I have just stepped out of a dictionary. Because of that, I am starting to be called Google - which I'm not complaining about.

Anyway, I have done over 1100 (exactly 1124) words on this update which I am so happy about because first of all, it's the most words that I have written on one of my updates and second, you all deserve it for taking time out of your day to read - and hopefully enjoy - my writes. I really do try to make my 'books' enjoyable. Also, feel free to try to guess my next update theme because I did drop a pretty big hint. But there we go, I hope you enjoyed this and all of my other things that I have worked really hard on to give you guys something to read. As always love you, love yourself and I will see you next time.

Mwah! 💕

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