Wearing certain colours

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First of all, thank you so much for over 100 reads!! Wow that is crazy!! I am so grateful :')

Second of all, I'm sorry for not updating for the past few weeks I think...? I will try and update more but I'm not making any promises. But for now, I'll just do a really long update, and maybe update again later about clothes in general ;).

Third of all, let's get on with this because I'm going to lose my mind if we go to four and then not do a five.

Alright so a lot of the time, it's hard to wear certain colours because their is always a con of it no matter how HAWT you may look...ok I'm just going to die in a hole now I just said the word hawt omg...

Anyways I'm going to stop rambling on about nonsense and get on with the whole point of this thing.

Okay! Wearing black. I'm not gonna lie here, if you ever meet me or have ever met me, I basically only wear black. It's very very rare that I wear any colourful clothes....especially pink. I mean, i don't have anything against the colour, I just don't...wear it. And oh my God I'm rambling again. Okay so wearing black blablablablablaaa it's a great colour but let's be honest, if you wear black in the Summer, you are in for a real treat. If you are like me, and are always freaking cold and being warm is like winning the bludy lottery, then woo! Wear black in the summer! Problem solved, you will be warm! Well no. Warm is a huge understatement.  Sometimes in the summer I actually wish that it was the Winter.  I mean, yes, "it's my fault for choosing to wear a colour in hot weather that attracts more heat than a bludy solar panel", but listen here. Just because it's hot doesn't mean that I don't want to look good. There. I've said it. I want to look good. But who doesn't?? I'm not going to walk around the streets naked just because 'I'm hot'  what kind of logic is that?? If you are hot, get an ice lolly for Christ's sake! Or, if you really want to achieve the works of a stripper for a day, do it in your house! Simple! Another huge struggle of wearing black is that, it catches anything and everything. From makeup powder, to pet hair it wants to be friends with everyone. Sadly. But guess what?? This idiot right here has a solution! It's a miracle! Forget all of the stuff that Jesus did, that's in the past! (Don't come after me religious people ;-;) Anyway, the solution is one of these things:

 But guess what?? This idiot right here has a solution! It's a miracle! Forget all of the stuff that Jesus did, that's in the past! (Don't come after me religious people ;-;) Anyway, the solution is one of these things:

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You can get these in Tesco, John Lewis and more :) (I am not sponsored)

Next colour! White. I wear this colour quite a bit as well but definitely not as much as black noooo. A main struggle of wearing white is that it also catches everything...mostly dirt and all kinds of stains. To be honest, most of the trainers tht a I wear and have are white so....you get the point. But it's seems a hell of a lot easier to keep them clean, look after them and keep them in ok condition for as long as you possibly can. And I'm not gonna lie, I do do a pretty good job....well my parents do anyway. Another struggle of wearing white is that you need to be extremely careful and cautious when putting any white clothing into the washing machine. However, even if you are careful, after a few washes, a lot of white clothes turn into a weird yellowy colour. Ew.

Okay, I really hope that you enjoyed this update and I am so sorry again that I haven't updated in quite a bit. But on the bright side....thank you for over 100 reads (again) and plus, you will probably be getting two updates from me today (including this one)

Anyways, that's it from me for now, love you, love yourself and I will see you next time.

Mwah! 💕

Jesus Christ I did over 700 words on this....woah.

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