" Little Pigs ! Little Pigs ! Let me In!" Part one

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The past couple of days have been a little better . I am able to leave my room now, and that makes it easier to sneak food to Daryl. I have never been a fan of dresses but Negan insists his wives wear the damn things.

I have been hanging out with the other wives a lot which has helped me cope. They are so kind and caring. They have welcomed me with such kindness. I think Sherry and I are becoming the closest though. Our stories are so similar. We both still love men we can never be with.

My feet are currently propped up on the armrest of the couch as I read another book. That's a benefit of being Negan's wife. I can get anything I want. It's not a fair trade-off by any means.  A loud knock jolts me out of my escape from reality.

"Come in!"

The door swings open revealing my husband. He is dressed in his signature leather jacket, dark wash jeans and Lucile neatly tucked on his shoulder.

"We are going to Alexandria today. I want you and Daryl to join us."

"Will I be able to ride with Daryl ?"

Negan rubs his chin with his hand.

"I don't think so. I want my wife sitting with her husband, not her ex-boyfriend."

I just want to talk to him. I care about how he is doing.

"Please .."


"Can I talk to my friends there ?"

Negan smirked. He took long strides bringing himself right in front of me. He leaned his back against the wall while keeping his eyes on me.

"What do I get if I let you ?"

I closed my book abruptly rising from my spot. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you want ?"

Negan caressed my face with his gloved hand.

"I will think about what I want on the way there. Let's go ."

Negan lifted himself away from the wall making his way to the door. He opened it for me allowing me to leave the room first. We made our way down the desolate roads to Alexandria. The trees were changing color alerting me that summer is ending . I see the occasional walker stumbling in the woods along with some forest animals.

Daryl is sitting behind us in the truck. I desperately want to talk to him but I am worried what Negan will do.

"Are you excited to see your friends ?"

"I am very excited. I miss them all so much. I just hope they have enough supplies to give you an still survive. We were low on food that's why we made the deal with hilltop in the first place. "

"Alright, I won't take any of the food. Will that make you happy ?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Don't be thanking me, baby. It's Rick and his piss ants that need to thank me ."

The gate to Alexandria came into view causing little bubbles of excitement to form in my stomach. Negan climbed out of the truck with Lucile in tow.

He walked over to the gates and hit the metal with Lucile. The loud banging alerting the occupants inside of his arrival.

"Dun! Dun! Dun! Little pigs! Little Pigs! Let Me In!"

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