Decision Time

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Brianna's P.O.V

My eyes flicker across each word, trying to absorb this letter. A soft melody of crickets sings their song, as the wind sways the trees.

I love Daryl, or at least, part of me does, but then another part of me loves Negan as well. I want Negan to change, and be the man I have seen glimpses of during my stay here. Negan has done some imaginable things,  causing pain in so many peoples lives, but I think he could change.

Daryl captured my heart the day I met him in Alexandria. I never imagined I could love anyone in my life as much as I love Daryl, but now, I am not so sure. If Negan is capable of loving me, then maybe I can convince him to leave my friends alone, or at least stop oppressing them. If we could all work together, then we would all benefit from an alliance.

The tenderness in Negans voice as he spoke to me, lingers in my mind. He has this uncanny ability to make me long to be in his presence, but then so does Daryl.

What is the right choice here? Should I give up my chance to be with Daryl in hopes that Negan will be the man I hope he can be? Or, do I leave, and Never look back? Can I really love Negan, giving him my full heart, knowing who he is?

In this moment I feel like Christine, in the play " The Phantom of the Opera."
Christine had to make a choice between the man she loves and the man that loves her. She was willing to sacrifice her own happiness to keep the man she loves alive by agreeing to marry the phantom. 

I know my situation could easily turn that way if I reject Negan. He could easily threaten me, forcing me to be his forever, but then why give me a choice?

Pushing away the chair, I decided walking will help me with my decision. My mind drifts as I gaze out into the darkness of the woods. My grandmother used to sit on her porch, with her latest knitting project in hand. I used to spend my summers with her in Michigan where she lived before she got sick with stomach cancer.

One night, in particular, I remember coming home from a date, wondering if I should even keep dating the young man, but hoping for our future together. She gave me advice that night, advice I think is relevant to my current predicament.

Flashback, to before the apocalypse.

Brianna's P.O.V.

The glowing porch light shines brightly as I walk the snowy path. The crisp air rushes into my lungs, making it hard to breathe, as I walk up the icy steps.

" Did you have fun with Robert?" My grandmother asks as she moves her sewing needles through her fabric.

" I did. I just am not sure if I could be with him for the long term. I know that we are similar in our life goals, and our families get along fine, but something just seems off. I am not making any sense am I ?" I state wearily, as I sit by her on the swing.

Her bright blue eyes shine, as she sets her needles down on her lap, ceasing her sewing.

" Brianna, love isn't some science, that perfectly works out in every aspect, it's messy and complicated. The trick is, to find someone you can do the hardships of this life. A person who will stand by you when you feel all alone in this world when it seems like nobody is supporting you or your dreams, he is right there, giving you all the support you will need.

"Love isn't about fireworks,  romantic dinners, or even the sweet things he promises you. It's about who you trust to be there for you and love you when nobody else will. A person who when life gets hard, doesn't give up, but rather takes your hand in his, and climbs the mountain with you.

When you find a man that will do life with you, then that's the man to stay with."

End of Fladback.

I closed my eyes as I weighed what my grandmother said to me. I slowly opened them, with the man's face I knew would haunt me forever if I left him. At that moment, I knew who I needed in my life.

I gently laid the letter on the table, then made my way inside. The dark gray walls, immediately greet me, as I head to my destination. My hands become sweaty, as my heart beats wildly against my chest. My hand grabs the latch on the handle of the door, then giving one hard push, before opening it to my future.

The darkness of the room is unnerving as I try to find his face.
" Hello, is anyone here?"

" I didn't think you would choose me?" A deep gravely voice spoke.

" I didn't expect it myself, but here I am. I hope you are ready to get out of here."

" I sure as hell am," Daryl states groggily, as he lifts himself off the ground.

Daryl grabs my hand, and we walk down the halls, then out to the courtyard, where we start up a bike, eager to leave this place behind us. The wind whips against my cheeks, as a rush of excitement, builds up in my chest.

Now, we will live our lives with each other, and maybe be free.

2 years later.

Brianna's P.O.V.

I stare blankly at my husbands grave, as tears slowly pour down my face. I loved him so much! Why did he have to leave me like this?
He just had to join Rick in the fight against Negan and get himself killed. Now, I am left alone, with my 2-year-old son, and another child on the way, I feel all alone in this world.

My thoughts are interrupted by a car door slamming, followed by the sound of boots crunching against the ice.

" Hey there Brianna, I heard you were out here. Listen, we need you to come back. Negan is willing to make peace under one condition. "

" What's that?"

" He wants you and Jason to move back to the sanctuary with him."

" Why does he want that?" I asked, fear laced in my voice.

" He knows Jason is his son."

Mine. Negan Fanfiction. Completed.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora