Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Hetalia. It belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I only own this and every other story I have.


As a cry of utmost joy echoed throughout the entire house, Germany returned the glare. "Oh it's on."



As the blond and raven nations entered the kitchen—definitely not giving each other death glares along the way, not at all—the sight of a certain brunet country shoveling forkful after forkful of spaghetti into his mouth, a slice of pizza in his other hand with gelato on top greeted them. Only Italy could pull off wolfing food down his throat and still look absolutely adorable.

"Thank you so much Germany!" Italy beamed. "Going from Japan's house to yours sure made me hungry!" The mentioned narrowed his eyes, not pleased with the latest development. At. All.

The blond scratched the back of his neck, sheepishly turning away. "...No problem. Anything for you." He abruptly covered his mouth, coughing into a fist. "Ich liebe dich."

"Huh?" Italy cocked his head to the side, confused. "What does that mean?"

The blond became all flustered. "Nothing! It's nothing important!"

"Really?" The brunet blinked. "I could have sworn you said that too during World War II when I confronted you about a bad rumor England spread about us." He groaned. "Aww man! I really don't know my German!" He turned towards Germany, eyes pleading. "Could you please give me German lessons like Japan has been giving me Japanese lessons?! Please?!"

The bulky nation conceded, unable to resist the Italian. "...Fine."

"YAY!" The brunet flung himself at the taller country, latching on tightly. "Thanks Germany!" He then looked up, staring into the larger nation's eyes. "Could you tell me what 'Ich liebe dich' means first?"

Tomatoes would be jealous with how red the man became. "Y-You don't need to know!"

"Come on!" Italy pouted. "Tell me—"

"Arf! Arf!"

"Woof! Woof!"

"Ruff! Ruff!"

The door leading to the backyard burst open, three rapidly-moving blurs speeding towards the Europeans, knocking them over. "Blackie! Berlitz! Aster!" The projectiles were revealed to be three dogs, a Dachshund, German Shepherd, and Golden Retriever rapidly licking at the brunet's face.

"N-No! Stop it guys!" No such thing; the canines continued to slobber on their target, the brunet laughing at the excessive affection he received.

Their owner huffed as he picked himself up. "Stop already." No such luck. The man rubbed his temples, shaking his head. "You leave me no choice." He walked over to a cabinet, opening it before pulling out several doggie snacks. The pooches immediately ceased, rushing over to their master as he dangled the morsels before dropping them, the dogs gobbling them up. Germany sighed. "Those were special treats I was saving for their birthdays."

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