Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Hetalia. It belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I only own this and every other story I have.


There are just some things better being unknown after all.


"Ve~! Look here Nihon!"

Architecture of unmatchable grandeur was at every corner as Italy and Japan traversed the streets of Florence, the blithe eagerly pointing out all sorts of sights to his companion, full of life and energy. A fond smile graced the raven's lips the entire time; he deeply enjoyed every moment he spent with his beloved from the very bottom of his heart, relishing every second he was with his precious person. Everything was simply beautiful; from the celestial stars twinkling in the clear night sky to the majestic municipal he had the honor to step foot in, beauty surrounded the Asian no matter where he went. Of course, nothing could compare to the sheer beauty of the one who was beside him...

The addressed chuckled at the enthusiasm. "Could you please tell me what this is, Italia-kun?" The pair stood before a magnificent basilica which bore a plethora of intricate designs carved into its walls, copper domes placed throughout—with an especially large one surrounded by four much smaller hemispheres—in addition to several towers which stuck out from the building at one end.

"Hai! This is the Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, the main church of Florence." The auburn beamed. "It was originally called the 'Il Duomo di Firenze' and was first created in 1296 in Gothic style by Arnolfo di Cambio and completed structurally in 1436 with the dome engineered by Filippo Brunelleschi." He smiled. "Did you know that until the development of new structural materials in the modern era, the dome on this building was the largest in the world?" He giggled at the shocked expression he received. "Well, it was." He shrugged. "However, it remains the largest brick dome ever constructed."

The listener nodded. "Sokka." The edge of his lips curled up. "Sugoi desu ne, Italia-kun."

"Aww! Arigato Nihon!" Italy sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, face flushing. Once he had regained his composure, he resumed. "The inside is extremely exquisite as well...but I don't want to show it to you right now." He waved his hands in a defensive manner at the incredulous look shot at him. "I mean that it will take too long to tour all of it! We might end up missing the fireworks!"

Realization dawned on the raven. "...You're right."

"Hehe...sorry." The hazel gave a nervous chuckle. "Maybe some other time?"

Oh Japan liked those implications. Very, very much. "That sounds great, Italia-kun. I love that." That? Or something else? Namely the brunet beside him. That's beside the point though...or is it?

"Then it's settled!" The cheerful cheered, clapping his hands together as he beamed brightly. The blithe abruptly grabbed his friend's hand once again, intertwining their fingers once more as the brunet dragged him along. "We don't have much time! I still have so much more to show you!"



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