Decopunk Defined

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Let's face it, a lot of us don't know what DecoPunk is. Hell, I doubt I even know what it truly means. You might think it's about a future in which we use our advanced technology to our own purposes. Our own Entertainment purposes. Maybe that is the case, I don't know. I learned a completely different take on it but, then again, that was just me.

 If you think about it, people think DecoPunk is about this when it is really about this and vice versa. I, for one, believe that DecoPunk is the era in which we sing, dance, celebrate. Celebrate with new forms of music. Celebrate with newer clothes, newer trends. Celebrate with newer things. We celebrate the fact that we have lived this long and we celebrate it with new people and new things.

We're adventurous.

In one person's perspective, DecoPunk fiction could be about how we use our resources and completely squander them on Entertainment. And that is very true and it could, possibly, be the actual definition and probably be closer to a future's prediction than a Dystopian Fiction could.

But, then again, with DecoPunk, I believe that you celebrate. In the 70's, I would believe that would be the age of DecoPunk along with the 20's and 50's. We seemed to have a lot of new clothes and trends between those ten years and no one can forget the music.

I believe that DecoPunk can't be within the same slot as a Dystopian government. After all, even if we do end up just giving our money away and funding entertainment, that doesn't mean that that will be all that we are doing.

I believe that if you describe DecoPunk as the "future" that could very well be true. But not in the way most people think. I think that there will be many wars that we have to get through, we have to survive, but after the wars we celebrate and I don't think that I could say anything wrong with DecoPunk.

Nothing is wrong with celebrating how long we have lived and we haved lived until this year without a World War.

Many people believe that World War III will come soon and I don't think they would be too off. But that does not stop us from celebrating. From trying new things, from going new places. I think that DecoPunk can never be described as anything bad.

Our modern media makes things seem like a disaster. And everything, no matter what era is a disaster. A disaster waiting to happen or a disaster that has happened. But we still celebrate that we, the human beings scattered across the earth, are alive and full of life.

We contribute and we take away. We save lives and we urge people to just die.

We are humans. We are flesh and blood. We have souls and emotions and the one emotion we like to use the most is happiness.

We can be happy that the World Wars are over (20's and 50's), we can be happy that there are new trends and a movement for equality rights for women (70's) and now we are happy how long we have come without having another World War (2000's). We have had many wars but we can celebrate that we are alive.

We can celebrate who and what we are.

Eras in which good things have happened and we can dance, sing, jump and do whatever we want even if the consequences are worse than the good you feel after you have done something. That is what DecoPunk is to me.

Sure, we are flawed. We are the Human race, we have to be flawed, we have to do these things. But we are an era. A genration.

We are the fourth era of DecoPunk.

That is my definition of DecoPunk. And I hope it's the right one.


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