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This month's contest, 'troopers, is a little different, and this is what we want you to do. Once you've read the episode of Smith & Jones contained within this very issue, we want you to create a Decopunk character who will feature in future episodes.

The winning entry will not only feature in future Smith & Jones episodes, but the creator of said winning entry will get to write the next episode of Tevun-Krus' monthly serial so get reading and scribbling, 'troopers!

We don't want you to draw a character - although by all means, do so if you wish. What we want is for you to create a character via a short back story that should be no more than a single comment box in length!

Due to the nature of the prize this time around, you have two weeks to submit your entry. The winner will then be chosen and you'll have a little over a week to write an episode of Smith & Jones for the SuperHuman SF issue of Tevun-Krus! The deadline is Sunday, June 15th!


Tevun-Krus #5 - DecoPunkWhere stories live. Discover now