Chapter 1.

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Roy's POV:

I can't stand it sometimes. She's always been there for me. I can't tell her my feeling because I'm afraid of rejection.

That's right. The great Roy Mustang, afraid of rejection.

But no matter how I try to suppress these feelings, I can't do anything in front of her.

I talk like a Colonel. I order her around. I try to be sympathetic with her but it's comes out just pathetic.

We used to be able to talk, when I was her fathers apprentice, when we first met.

Now we are but colleagues, a stubborn excuse to be near her.

She is so closed off, and I don't blame her. We were both in the Ishvalan War, we saw horrible things, we did horrible things, we were horrible things.

The way her silky blond hair is always tied up, the way that her brown eyes penetrate my soul, the way she moves, so graceful.

She is the flint that sparks the light in me, and the fuel that will hold my flame.

Riza Hawkeye.

Riza's POV

Where do I even begin with him? He is just a big baby, with me always there to protect him and get him out of trouble. He's insufferable.

Yet I can't shake a certain feeling, like a pull towards him.

He's always been there for me, and I don't know what I'd do without him.

He has always had my back, literally, and is always trying to be a better person around us.

Black Hayate likes him too. Dogs are a good judge of character.

He's the only thing I need in my life, beside Hayate.

He's my lighthouse in the night that will safely guide me home.

Roy Mustang.

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