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"Hello, Maxine! I'm just calling to greet you a Merry Christmas. I know we hadn't spoken properly to each other lately, and it honestly feels weird to use this old junk after months."

"Merry Christmas to you too, sir. But Christmas is still three days away."

"Drop the 'sir,' Max, we've been neighbors – "

"Eleven houses down."

"Wow, you counted?"

"No. No, it was. . . Nothing. So, you were saying something, Mr. Humphrey?"

"We've been neighbors, even if we're eleven houses down. I personally asked your mother what you'd like to have for Christmas, and she gave me a couple options..."

"Crap. Did she say clothing?"

"Yes, but she also suggested I ask you directly. That's why I'm asking you now, at this late evening."

"Hah, why. . .why do you ask?"

"I haven't bought my gifts yet. Lame, I know."

"I'm not actually wanting something at the moment, Mr. Humphrey."

"Really? There must be SOME-thing."

". . .My skateboard's broken. It somehow split in half. I tried fixing it, but nothing happened. I don't think I have any other available options right now. Do you know a place where I can have my skateboard fixed?"

"Actually, Lucas also knows how to fix it, but if you prefer a professional, I can ask my friend. He won't mind."

"Lucas Sinclair screamed when we were dissecting a frog."

"Okay, then. Where can you drop off your skateboard? Wait, maybe I'll ask Lucas to fetch it from you – "

"I'll just go visit the music store you're employed in, Mr. Humphrey. I'll be hanging out in the arcade next to it anyway."

"Alrighty, then."

"How much is it?"

"It's for free, silly."

"Thank goodness for Christmas -- and thanks to you, and your friend too, of course. I really appreciate it, Mr. H."

"No problem. How did your skateboard split itself in half, by the way?"

"Taekwando and mullet issues, I guess."

Old Man Humphrey ✧ lumax Where stories live. Discover now