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"Please answer. Please answer."

"Hello, Mr. Humphre--"

"Lucas, fucking shit, it's me Max and I need to borrow your bike if it's okay with you? Please do let me. My skateboard's broken again. And I can't just run or walk please let me borrow your bike thank you so much!"

"Why? I, uh, need my bike to ride home, but sure thing, though."

"Good, good! Uh, I can't come over there. I'm sorry for all of these, but will you please drag the bike over to my house? Secretly. Don't ring the doorbell, and just go straight to the window on the left side of the house, the one with the garbage bin. . .ahh, crap."

"Left side, garbage bin?"


"What happened? What's happening? I didn't see you in school for the past... three days."

"Long story. Please hand me over your bike! It hurts a lot. I need it. Thank you so much!"

"Yes sir."

Old Man Humphrey ✧ lumax Where stories live. Discover now