5 | Little Brown Girl

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A/N: Hey guys! So this is the second time I'm uploading this chapter since for some reason it says it didn't publish even though I did and I got notifications from people voting. Leave a comment and vote or something and tysm for the support <3

Thank the Lord Gabbie had ran into my dorm when she did. David wasn't really helping and It was making it more awkward.

We did end up going to the Fair later that day. But I couldn't really enjoy myself. I couldn't get him out of my mind. The way he touched me. His grimy hands trying to touch me in ways I do not enjoy.

It lingers in the most God awful way and no matter how many times you shower, or wash your face and hands, or even brush your teeth, his touch still lingers. And as much as I would love it to go away, it won't.

But anyways, it is Friday night. The week went by slowly. Maybe it was because all I could think about is him.

But today is different. I'm driving David to this party that we're supposed to meet Gabbie at. It's supposed to be a really hardcore party and I really don't plan on going.

Gabbie has begged me, and I never gave her an official answer. She tried using the 'Don't leave me all alone' technique, but I know when we get there she's going to get more than just a little tipsy and her and Zane will once again end up in the same bed.

I, on the other hand, stick to the walls. I figured this out when we went to a party on Tuesday, which I ended up leaving because I had class in the morning. But back to the point.

Parties just aren't my thing, I will do anything to avoid them, and I will most definetly not talk to any guys, unless they're friends of my friends. Then maybe.

I don't drink while at parties, nor do I dance, or play seven minutes in heaven, or spin the bottle. Especially after the last fiasco, I'm not playing any highschool party games.

I had officially made the decision to not go and stay in he dorm all night, watching movies and eating popcorn.

I pull myself into some black skinny jeans and an oversized red hoodie. Placing my hair in a bun which sits ontop of my head.

My makeup had been done from earlier in the morning but I knew it would probably be off by tonight.

I push my feet into my all black vans before picking up my phone and keys.

"C'mon Dobrik." I say, nodding towards the door. David is busy running his fingers through his hair and placing his black hat on.

I stare unintentionally at the boy who stands on the other side of the room. He smiles at me and I smile back, shaking my head and turning around, leaving the dorm and hearing his footsteps trying to catch up to me.

"David." I look up at him and he gives me a sad look.

"Why didn't you call me by one of your mean nicknames?" I chuckle, my cheeks going red, yet it's not noticeable because of my coffee coloured skin.

"Okay, Dobrik." I smirk up at him before continuing. "Don't bring any goddamn girls back to our dorm." I say, looking at him with seriousness in my eyes.

"Okay okay mom." He laughs, sitting down in the passenger seat as I turn on the car and press down on the gas.

"I swear to God David. If I see even the slightest trace of a female anthropomorphic, I will cut you and your dick." I smile innocently after, glancing at him before Turning back to the road. Stay safe children.

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