12 | Drunk

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It was like it was fate. My parents leaving for Paris and Gabbie having no room for me to stay, so I ended up with David.

His family was cool, and his siblings were sweet. Though Ester, his oldest sibling, seemed to make fun of him, and I still think it's funny.

"Ester, could you do me a favour and wake up David. It's almost 2pm and it's Christmas eve. go throw water on him or something. It's almost time for lunch." I giggle lightly, she exchanges a devious smile as I pat her lightly on the back, watching as she patters across the floor and runs up he carpeted stairs, stepping up two steps at a time.

I take the plate with around 5 sandwiches on it and place it on the table, setting up a couple plates for David, me, and his three siblings, since his parents were out doing some last minute Christmas shopping.

As I fill up a glass of water I hear a an ear peircing shriek coming from upstairs. I stifle a laugh as I run upstairs, opening the door to Davids bedroom to find Ester on the other side of the room with an empty glass, and David sat up ok the bed, his shirt, face, and sheets are soaked with water.

"Ester! You little-"

"David!" I chuckle lightly, cutting off his sentence before he said something he'd regret.

"Liza what the hell? Get mad at her or something!" He croaks in a high pitched tone, standing up and changing his shirt.

"Nice one Ester. Now go get Toby and Sara." She smiles and leaves his room, running off to get Toby and Sara. I turn to see David with his mouth wide enough to fit a foot ball.

"What-" He stutters and fails to get out a clear sentence.

"I told her to do it. Now go freshen up, I have lunch ready." I smirk and leave his room, shutting the door silently behind me and I go downstairs go find Toby, Sara, and Ester all sitting at the table on some sort of device.

"Everyone grab a sandwich." I say, pulling off the clear cling film ontop of the small stack of sandwiches. One by one the sandwiches disappear as small hands pick up one and drop it onto the plates.

I take a few bites as I watch the 3 kids practically choke down their food, and watch David slyly as he barely picks at his sandwich.

"Something wrong David?" I ask as the other kids seem to have already left the table.

"No, I'm just not very hungry." I tilt my head in confusion. That's a lie.

"You're kidding right? You haven't eaten since last night," I stop for a moment, dropping my sandwich, making a clatter of the plate and rolling my eyes. "Just take a few bites atleast. You have to eat something, please?" I beg him.

"Okay okay, whatever." And with that, he takes a few huge bites of his sandwich before dumping it in the trash. I finish off my food before picking up all the plates and washing them off, dumping them in the dishwasher.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I ask again, clearly annoying him.

"I'm fine okay? I just wasn't hungry." He rolls his eyes at me and brushes past me. I ignore his attitude and clean up the rest of the table before going back up to my guest room.

I was still in my pair of loose pajama shorts and a baggy tee shirt, so I fish through my suitcase for a somewhat festive outfit for Christmas eve.

I fish out a red and green cliche Christmas sweater with a pair of black leggings. I pull myself into them and push my feet into a pair of black ankle boots.

It was much colder here in Illinois that it was in California so I tried to dress for the weather.

"David!" I yell, waiting for him to open the door.

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