6 | Secrets

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"Morning to my little brown girl." I say, smiling.

I admire her features. Her pretty brown eyes and Frappuccino skin tone, even her curly brown hair that seems to fall perfectly down her face and just above her shoulders.

She smiles at me once more and gets up, walking over to her dresser and grabbing out shorts and a crop top.

I turn away like usual, waiting for her to finish changing before she sits down and does her makeup.

"Why do you wear makeup when it's Saturday and we don't even know we're going out yet?" I scooting over and sitting on the edge of her bed.

"Because. I feel better with makeup on I guess." She sighs and I watch as her eyes look down, before she looks back up and finishes her makeup.

"You look fine with or without it." I mumble, smiling a little bit.

"Sure." She rolls her eyes and smiles.

I get changed myself, fixing my hair and placing my hat on like usual.

I turn around and I see Liza frowning at her phone, my face falls flat with worry.

"What's wrong Liza?" She looks up, her face looking startled for a moment before a smile occupies her face.


"No, it's something." I say, sitting on her bed, our thighs touching.

"David, you're like barely a close friend, I've known you for like a month." I realise I've pissed her off, but I continue.

"Liza, you and Gabbie have known eachother the same amount of time and you guys are close."

"That's because me and Gabbie talk alot, and I don't hate her." Her words hurt, they shoot through me like she had just jabbed a knife through my heart. I guess the look on my face gave away how I felt, because Liza instantly started apologising.

"David, I'm sorry i really didn't mean it like that!" She rambles, I stand up, picking up my keys and phone and walking over to the door.

"It doesn't matter, Liza. It never did." I open the door and slam it shut once I'm outside of the dorm.

She's sending me very mixed signals. Were they even signals at all? Maybe I'm misunderstanding.

Why would she lay with me, sleep in the same bed as me while cuddling and even kiss me to make her ex jealous if she hated me so much? I don't understand and I don't think I ever will.

I walk down to Alex's dorm. No doubt Alex was one of my closest friends, and he was the only one who really knew about how I felt about Liza

I knock on his door, he shared a dorm with Dom, but he was mostly out having sex or doing drugs.

Alex answered, shirtless, I looked behind him to see if anyone else was in the dorm, it was empty.

I walked right in and sat on Dom's bed.

"Dude I don't know what to do anymore." I sigh, putting my head in my hands

"Is this about Liza? What happend?"

"She just said she hated me, when I really thought we were friends. She tried to apologise but I don't know if she means it. I'm so fucking confused." I place my hands on my face, dropping back as my head falls flat on the pillow.

"Look, I get you're in love with her and all but-" I cut him off.

"I am not in love with her."

"Yes you are."

Dorm Room | DIZA {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now