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If you are reading this, you have come to the end of "A Typical Fuckboy-Published as a Textrovert". I would like to take a moment to acknowledge everyone who took the time to read my book. It means a lot more than you could ever know. 

I would especially like to acknowledge @writtendestinies for constantly commenting and texting me to remind me to update. I especially appreciate loyal readers like that.

I would also like to thank @olitieszen who, although is currently inactive, was the first one to read my content, before it got somewhat famous

I would like to let my readers know that although the book had ended for now, I may be doing a sequel on a different book, or even continuing on this book if you guys want me to.

I apologize to anyone that I have forgotten to mention, but I appreciate all of you guys.

Thank you, 


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