Chapter 16

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"Love is pain, yet we all want it."

AN: I'm going to start putting quotes bc why not

"What took you so long." Alexis eyed us, grabbing another piece of oily pizza. Me and Luke had walked out together, not even noticing, and Michael and Alexis were getting suspicios.

"Luke you said you had to call your mom." Michael added.

I laughed, Luke calling his mom? He punched me in the side and glared at me.

"You said you were going to call your mom?" I looked up at him, giggling still.

"Shut up or I will hurt you Sadie." Luke threatened and I stopped laughing. I sat back down in my chair and Luke did the same. Way to kill the mood.

"Were you guys...together?" Alexis asked, clearing her throat.

"We were." I watched the ice in my cup as i slowly stirred it.

"We were just talking. She did have quite the melt down as you guys saw." Luke said and I swallowed hard. Ouch.

"Your okay though right Sadie?" Michael asked, and I looked up at him, his kind green eyes on mine. "Yeah...yeah I am." I answered, not really sure with myself.

"All the awkwardness is weird. Let's settle where we are sleeping." Alexis spoke up and we all mumbled in agreement.

"There are two bedrooms in this house. Mine, and my parents." I confusingly looked at Michael. Where were his parents now? "There on a business trip." Michael added and I shook my head understandingly. "I'm guessing no one wants to sleep in my parents bed, so this living room, and my bedroom are open." Michael motioned towards the couch a couple paces away and to the hallway.

"I'm fine with either place. But your bed would be nice." Luke mumbled, and rubbed his eyes, leaning back in his chair. The truth is, he was something to look at. He had that blond hair, styules upwards, and those light, blue eyes, the kind you could get lost in for years. I wonder how many girls have chased him in his life. Probably to many to count.

"You guys can have Michaels room. I think me and Sadie will be okay." Alexis said and looked at me. "Sure." I agree and Alexis smiles.

"I call the bed Michael." Luke quickly said and stood up in his chair, starting of to the hall.

"Erm." Michael stood up and scratched the back of his neck, his face slightly flushed. "It's not really clean from last night with me and Alexis...." His voice trailed off.

Oh...okay. My eyes looked towards Luke, and his face was priceless. "Oh, um...that's okay I guess I'll take the floor." He mumbled, his face also turning a darker color.

I turned back to Alexis. She was staring at Michael. "We should get some blankets Alexis." She shifted her eyes to me. "Um..yeah!" She cleared her throat and we scooted our chairs back and headed to the living room. Luke and Michael disappeared down the hallway.

I grabbed some blankets from the shelf and Alexis collected some pillows. We soon made a makeshift bed, pillows sticking out and blankets lying all over the floor. Alexis and I sat down.

"This is cool." I look around at out mini masterpiece.

"Yeah, let me get the lights." Alexis got up from her makeshift bed and skipped over to the light switch. She turned it off and the room became dark, but then lit up with Christmas tree lights that were hanging all over the walls. It made me smile. It was was nice.

"So." Alexis sat back down across from me on the floor.

"You probably think me and Michael have sex or something everyday." She interjected.

I laughed. "No!" She looked at me relieved.

"Oh good." She placed her hands in her lap. "I'm not a virgin if you were wondering."

I shook my head. "I guessed."

"Are you?"

My face got hot.

"Erm..yes?" I shifted uncomfortably in my spot.

"Oh it's fine." Alexis added. "You don't have to have sex when your 17." She laughed, trying to make me feel better.

It didn't really help. It's not like I really wanted to have sex or something, but I still got a pang in my stomach whenever I say I'm still a virgin. I just wished someone loved me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Were you okay today? And also what did Luke say? In the bathroom?" She asked.

"Oh yeah." I answered. "He just wanted to know if I was okay I guess. And  I am fine."

"That's weird." She frowned. "Because he really seems to go out of his way to make you feel bad when you guys are in public."

"He's not nice to me anytime." I add.

"Still weird." She answers simply, shrugging her shoulders.

I lay back on the floor covered with blankets. "I think we should sleep now." I yawn, looking up at the Christmas lights covered ceiling.

"Yeah, night Sadie." Alexis says, pulling a blanket over her.

"Night." The last thing I see are the lights above, shining down into my eyes.

PromiseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora