Chapter 20

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(Not edited )

It's funny how people work. They lie, they cry. Then they do it over again. They do things that they know they will regret, but still do them anyways. Humans are pretty fucked up if you ask me.

I thought this as I waited in the police office, Ashton sitting next to me, tapping a beat on the chair he was sitting on with his fingers.

"You guys are here to talk to Luke hemmings?" A police officer came up to us, and I shook my head glumly at him.

"Right this way then." He said and I stood up following the man, Ashton right behind me.

We came to a door, that had no sign on it. No name tag, or window. Just a white door.

"He's in here." The officer said. "Be careful. He is still....unstable."

I nodded. "Ash could you stay out here?" Ashton looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Please? I'll come get you soon." I added.

"Fine. Whatever makes you happy." He agreed.

The officer left as I slowly turned the door open and braced myself for what was inside.

The small room was also white. It had a desk in one corner, a toilet in another, and I sink in the back. And in the middle of the room was a bed. And on the bed, sat a teenager. Luke.

His hair was down, not styled up in a quif like usual. It was plastered to his forehead, above his bloodshot eyes. He had put a black beanie on, probably trying to make his hair less messy, but it didn't work. His eyes were red, and his face was tear stained. It was safe to say he looked terrible. He looked miserable.

"Luke." I whispered. I didn't move. His eyes flicked up to mine, then looking away fast. He didn't move. He didn't talk.

I swallowed hard. "Hi."

"Who let you in." His voice was hoarse, dry.

"The police officer." I answered, placing my hands on my back.

"Why are you here." His eyes looked back up to mine, and he didn't break the contact. They looked sad, his bright blue eyes a darker shade then usual.

"I wanted to talk to you." I whispered again.


I carefully walked over so I was standing in front of him, and looking down.

He layed back on the bed, and I watched him as he amused his beanie. His nose was a shade of punk, and I could see his Adam's apple bobbing.

"Can I be honest here?" I asked. Tears were already trying to come out. Shit. I promised Ashton I wouldn't cry.

He mumbled. I took it as a yes.

"Your confusing." I stated. It came out stronger than I thought it would, and it was a relief. I can't have a conversation with Luke while sobbing.

"Good job Sherlock."

" Luke if your going to be like this-"

"I don't want to be like this!" He yelled, sitting back up. Oops?

"I'm sorry."

"What the fuck?!" He stood up so we were eye level.

"Please just tell me!" I cried, backing up.

"Tell you what?"

"Why your like this."

Not even a second had passed but now Luke was laying on the bed, sobbing.

"Fuck." I said to myself and sat down next to him.

He didn't move, he moved his hands to his face, hiding from me, and crying.

"Luke." I sighed. I placed my hand on his shoulder.

He removed his hands, removing a bright red face, tears still streaming down.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

"I fucked up. I'm fucked-"

"No Luke." I said. "Don't say that."

"It's true and you know it. Wait no, you don't. You don't even know the half of it Sadie. You don't know anything." He had sat up, and started sobbing once more. I placed my arms around him, pulling him into me. He was shaking, and up I till now, I hadn't noticed how small he was.

"Then tell me." I whispered.

He shook his head.

"Luke I want to know."

"Fine. Fuck this. My mom killed herself when I was 11, to get away from my dad who beat the pulp out of her." He spat, staring into my eyes.

I took a sharp intake, releasing one of my hands from Luke and touched my cheek. The bruise was still visible.

"Who did it." He breathed, leaning in and placing his forehead on mine. This is why I loved him. He could turn strong so fast. He turned strong for me.

"My mom." I whispered.

"Mhm." He mumbled, and hooked an arm around my waist.

"Keep telling me your story Luke." I fumbled with his hair, waiting for him to go on. I was crying now. What a mess we were.

"My dad left after she died. Left me there. Then I went to an orphanage. And a couple adopted me. I was happy." He cried, holding me closer.

"Then they turned out to be alcoholics. And they still are my parents." He barley whispered to me.


"I'm not done. You wanted the whole story right?" He croaked.

"Yes." I quietly answered.

" I started taking drugs. And it was nice."

"What." I gasped.

"Yeah. And then I got addicted."

"Are you, are you still-"

"I stopped."


"Because I saw this girl, and she changed my look on things." He mumbled, his lips barley on mine. His hot breathe hit my mouth. I as itching to move just a bit closer, not even an inch, to connect our lips.

"You were that girl."

Fuck I want him.

"Thanks." I whispered.

Luke groaned. "Just fucking kiss me."


"Luke I don't-"

"Kiss me! I don't know about you, but....but...." His voice cracked. "Sadie I think I like you."

His lips felt like a summers day.

Sweet, salty.

It was nice.


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