Chapter 26

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I gasped when I saw him.

"Luke...." I walked up to him. He was lying on the bed with his hands covering his face trying to muffle his loud sobs.

"Luke what's wrong?" I sat next to him shaking his arm. I pulled my towel up a bit higher.

He took his hands off his red, tear stained face.

"No no no no no no." He whispered and sat up next to me hugging his knees and shaking back and forth.

"Luke please your scaring me." I say and touch his back gently.

He jerks away from my touch. "You don't deserve me." He whispered.

Tears brimmed at my eyes. "What?" I asked.

"Get dressed. I need to tell you something."

I nod my head slowly and got off the bed. What could have happened? What did he do? Was he seeing someone else? The last question bothered me. He wouldn't do that right? He was quite a jerk in the beginning, and he never told me everything about himself. If he was seeing another girl, then I don't really know what I'd do. He was my world.

I pulled out my undergarments and a tshirt and sweats. Feeling self concious of my body I walked to the bathroom to get changed. I really hope what Luke had to tell wasn't that bad.

"I can't loose him. I just can't." I whisper to my reflection in the mirror. I sigh and walk back to bedroom where the boy sat, still crying on the bed. I took my place next to him.

I take a deep breathe. "Please tell me why your like this. You were so"

Luke smiled and shook his head, wiping his tears. He looked at me with his blue eyes that got me everytime.

"Happy?" He asked.

"Well we did-"

"I did that out of love not just because I was in a good mood Sadie." He said quietly, cutting me off.

"Well yeah but then didn't it put you in a good mood?" I asked hopefully.

He shook his head and sighed. "Sadie I need to tell you something that I did. Im sorry."

He looked me straight in the eyes.

I nodded my head and held my breathe waiting for him to say it.

Waiting for him to tell you he was seeing someone else because you aren't good enough.

"I-" is voice cracked. "I started taking drugs again." He finally said.

He started sobbing. "I'm so sorry Sadie it was stupid I'm stupid."

"Luke." Tears were running down my face. "Your not stupid. But why? Why would you?"

"Because." He sighed. "I hate my life."

He looked up at me looking guilty.

"I thought you loved me." I said.

He placed his hand on my thigh. "I know. I do. I just...I don't know what got over me. I'm going to try to stop okay?" He said, licking his lips.

"I don't want you to get hurt. I love you." I whispered, inching closer to his face.

"Sadie...." Luke said quietly.

"Yes?" I mumbled.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his frown now replaced with a half grin.

"Yes!" I cried of joy and hugged him as tightly as I could.

"I'm never letting you go." He sobbed into my shoulder and kissed my cheek repeatedly.

"I love you." I mumbled and I wrapped my arms around his next.

"I love you Sadie, and I will never hurt you. Never. Your my world. I promise." He whispered before kissing my lips, grasping my face in his hands.

"I promise."



oh and also, I just want to thank you all. These past few days I've been getting so many votes and reads and comments and aww I love you all. Promise is actually almost at 2k reads! Yay! I can't believe this is happening, like I know it's not a huge deal, but I'm just some girl who loves to write. So yeah it's cool. Love you all loads!

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