Chapter 24

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He called me at one in the morning.

"Luke what is it." I groan into the receiver.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you.. I can't sleep."

I sigh.

"It's okay I'm here Luke."

"It's so hard Sadie, it's so hard making everyone think your fine, it's so hard hanging in there. I'm tired of it."

"Please don't say that." I whisper.

"It's true." I can hear him cry on the other side of the phone. I can just see his eyes squeezed shut, mumbling to himself.

"Please just don't think like that. Luke, I love you."

"I love you too." He answered instantly.

"Your my world. I don't know what I'd do without you." I let out breathlessly after a couple of seconds.

"You don't even know the half of it." He agreed.

"Can you try to sleep now?" I ask, shifting my position in my bed.


"Luke." I warn.

"Can I come over?" He pleaded.

Hm. I wasn't sure if I wanted him over here. Talking to him at this time of night was already a big risk. My mom could wake up.


"Please." He sounded weak.

"Fine come quick." I let in.

"Thank you." He answered and hung up.

I sighed and lied back down on my bed.

I woke to the sound of tapping. Startled, I sat up and looked around. It was black, except for the moon and lights outside peaking through my blinds. The tapping continued.

I started to freak out. It's not everyday you hear tapping at your door at like 3 in the morning.

"H-hello?" My voice scared me, it was such a contrast to the silence.

"It's Luke." He whispered.

My whole body relaxed. But then I started to stress again. If he wants to come into my room....and he wants to my bed?

"You locked it." He added.

I sighed and pushed the sheets off me. The cold air of the room caught me off gaurd, but I made my way to the door a ways.

I unlocked and swung it open. He stood there in a loose shirt and boxers. Ah nice.

"Hi." I saw his eyes flick down to my body. Oh shit.

I was wearing a tank top, and underwear. Oh let me just die.

"Um..come on in?" I open the door a bit more.

"Yeah." He walks in and looks around at my poorly decorated room.

"Nice." He adds and sits at the end of my bed.

"We should sleep." I sit down next to him.

"Mhmmm." He wraps his arm around me and my barley dressed body.

"I'm sorry you couldn't sleep."

"It's fine." He places a light kiss on my cheek. I gulp.

"Luke....I'm still with Ashton." My voice cracks.

I really do feel terrible. I love Luke. I love love love love him. Ashton dosnt mean anything to me anymore. I want Luke. But it's not right to Ashton. I'm just so confused.

"I-I know I just wanted to kiss your cheek..." His voice gets smaller, and his arms still tightly wrapped around me.

"Can we sleep now?" I rub my eyes.

"Mm yeah."

I unfold Luke from me and make my way to the other side of the bed. Luke lays down and folds his arms across his chest.

I wiggle under the covers.

"Sadie, can I tell you something?" Luke turns to his side to face me.

"Of course Luke." I whisper.

"I'm in love with somebody. And it's a great feeling."

If only he could read my mind.

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