comfort »

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A whine escaped him as he curled further into himself, his knees pressed against his chest. The comforter covered his entire body making Byeongkwan look smaller than he was. A crack of thunder sounded making the boy squeak in surprise. The only light in his room was the flickering of lightning bolts in the distance. He was never a fan of thunderstorms. Byeongkwan adored rainy weather until it got to storms, that's where his love ended. Although he never openly admitted the fact, the whole group knew of his distaste.

With every crack of thunder or strike of lightning, he seemed to further curl in on himself. The door to his room creaked open, letting light from the hallway flood into the room. A sigh escaped the intruder as he took in the sight of the younger. Shutting the door behind him, he walked towards the bed, stepping lightly over the mess. "Babe, you should've came to my room." Seyoon mumbled as he tugged the cover off of the younger. "I would've put a movie on or something."

"I, I didn't want to bother you." Byeongkwan's voice shook as he spoke, his words barely above a whisper. Seyoon's heart dropped at his boyfriend's words. "I didn't want you to think that I'm just a giant baby who can't handle some little storm." His words were soft, as tears pricked his eyes. Byeongkwan didn't want to worry his boyfriend, he never wanted Seyoon to feel that he had to care for him.

"Babe, don't cry. You're not a bother, and you are most definitely not a giant baby. You're afraid of storms, so what? I'll be here to comfort you from the storms, that's something I can promise." Seyoon spoke, pulling Byeongkwan up into a sitting position on his bed. "Now come on, let's go to my room. We can put some music on and cuddle, maybe more if you're down." Seyoon wiggled his eyebrows at his boyfriend, causing the younger to hit his chest with a smile on his face. His smile quickly faded with a flash of light illuminating the room.

A loud boom sounded through the room, making Byeongkwan bury his face in Seyoon's chest. Seyoon ran his hands up his boyfriend's back, rubbing circles to try and calm him. "It's okay baby. It's all okay." He whispered to the younger and left a soft kiss on his head. Unknown to him, Byeongkwan was grinning into his chest. He didn't know how he got so lucky, but Byeongkwan wouldn't trade his boyfriend for anything.

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