exhaustion «

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Seyoon was worried.

He watched for days, weeks, maybe even months as Byeongkwan over worked himself. He could see the boy becoming tired over and over again, unsure of how to help. Seyoon wanted to do nothing more than to hold the younger and tell him that he needed to rest, needed to take time for himself, needed to stop working himself to the point of exhaustion. He wanted nothing more than to have Byeongkwan within his hold, within his reach, and make his tiredness fade.

Seyoon knew the younger wasn't taking care of himself properly. Everyday when Byeongkwan would return to the dorms from staying late at the studio, the older would watch as he bypassed food and sleep. Seyoon would watch as Byeongkwan would drop his bag off, change clothes, only to leave again, heading who knows where to work. Every time Seyoon would sigh and bury his head in his hands, cussing himself out for not speaking up. If the others noticed his and Byeongkwan's behavior, they didn't mention it.

All Seyoon could do was hope that Byeongkwan was taking care of himself. He saw the younger growing tired easily during their practices. He noticed the younger becoming skinnier as the days passed by, likely from skipping meals Seyoon assumed. His worries peaked when he noticed Byeongkwan stumbling through warm ups, holding onto the wall as he tried to get to an open area. That was when Seyoon had enough.

The older got up, walking over to the younger, grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the others. "Why are you doing this?" His voice cracked as he took in the younger boy's appearance up close. Dark circles laid under his eyes, blood shot from lack of sleep. His shirt was baggy on him, one Seyoon knew was never that bad.

Byeongkwan just sighed, lowering his head, facing the ground. "I'm not good enough. I just want to be good enough. I figured if I worked harder and cut back my meals I would grow to be good enough." Byeongkwan found no point in lying to the older. He knew it would only end with Seyoon being hurt more than anything.

As his words hit, Seyoon frowned. Not good enough? Byeongkwan? Was that even possible? Seyoon didn't think so. "Byeongkwan, you're honestly so amazing, so much more than just good enough. There's no reason to work yourself for he point of exhaustion. Promise me, if you ever feel this way, promise me you'll talk to me and we can work through it together. I don't want you feeling alone because you believe you're not good enough. Promise me." Seyoon took byeongkwan's hand in his and stared at the younger waiting for an answer.

"I promise."

Sorry I haven't updated in forever :(

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