Chapter 4- Shocking Announcement

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I heard what Rapunzel shouted to Jack, and I heard it, well... everyone heard it...

I saw Elsa running away so I planned to go after her. I know its an embarrassing moment for her, and I didn't know why would Rapunzel do such a thing. She's Elsa friend.


"Punzie! Why did you do that!", I shouted at Rapunzel. "Merida calm down, everything will be fine...", Rapunzel said calmly and I didn't know why,

Punzie and I knew that Elsa hates Jack, and Jack hates Elsa! So why did Punzie shouted "Elsa is here!?" and called Jack's name?

"How could you say everything would be fine??? You shouted and everyone knew!?", I asked ""Merida, did you ever noticed that Elsa could like Jack? And Jack could like Elsa?", Punzie pointed out.

"What!? What do you mean!? We all know they hate each other!", I asked shockingly "You'll see...", Punzie said "You know what Punzie, Elsa could hate you by now", I said to her "I know. But, she could be thankful for me... soon...", Punzie seems to be positive.

I also followed Elsa after Anna. While Punzie stayed.


I-I don't know what should I do that time... Elsa ran away and everyone looks at her and then to ME!

I was also embarrassed! If I also walk out they could think of something! You know...

Since we hate each other. So there's no way I will follow her to where she could go! duh...!

So I stayed in my seat and act like nothing happened, until I saw her sister Anna go after her and after her is Merida.

I also have no idea why Punzie shouted that.

Somehow the speakers of the university turned on and someone announced "Good afternoon my dear schoolmates! I'm announcing something like a gossip... Its about Jack Frost and Princess Elsa of Arendelle...". I was so shocked why would that speaker will tell that! I continued listening, while the others whispering to each other...

"We all know that together they made a huge blizzard in the entire hallway, and they were like enemy's right now...! But we also think that they were dating!. I was so mad that time, wanting to know who's that speaker...

"And Princess Rapunzel of Corona proves that they really are dating! when she shouts the name of Jack and Elsa! OMG they're DATING!".

After what all the students heard I quickly ran away from those students before they start whispering and gossiping about us. So I ran to the university's condom and go to our (Jack &Hiccup) room.

I started thinking so deep, why would the student's council allow that student to announce something like that!?


I was in our classroom when the "EMBARRASSING ANNOUNCEMENT" was told.

I was all face down with a sad and mad face. Until I heard the student's council's voice and said "Why didn't you asked our permission to announce something in the speaker!? And you announce something that will embarrass someone!? What a shame of you! Go to the principal's office right now!

I was so thankful that it wasn't the council's announcement. I was thinking of Jack what would his expression be.


I heard the council's scolding to the girl whoever announced that! I heard the bell rang and I quickly go downstairs and go to our classroom.


Thanks for reading again! Happy Reading!


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