Chapter 9

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I fix my fake hair and get ready to leave the house. Quickly heading out of the door before my family spots me and demands for me to do something, I get in the car that Rhys has sent for me. I usually take my horse over there, but I am so thankful that he is thinking about my commute. When I get to the pack house, I take my regular walk down multiple hallways. I thought that I would never remember where to go, but I have picked it up fast.

Rhys and I haven't talked for a few days now, but it is fine since I got a lot of work. His parents sent in some clothing designs for me to copy, but it is really hard to copy. It seems to be a design from another pack. I walk up to the hallway before my room and stop when I see Rhys and Damon talking to some people I don't recognize.

Deciding it is best to walk past them, I can't help but overhear their conversation. Rhys looks angry at the man in front of him while Damon is standing with his arms crossed over his chest. Rhys glances over at me but doesn't let his eyes linger. Damon stares at me and kicks off the wall, walking toward me. I stop walking so he can get to me and glance over at Rhys continuing to argue with the man. Damon links arms with me and pulls me away from them and into my room.

He lets go and rubs his temples, "Wow. You saved me back there." He takes a seat on a comfy sofa and leans back with his eyes shut, "Things aren't looking good, Airi."

I laugh at him, "Airi? New nickname?" I take a seat next to him and he scoots over so that we both had room. He looks over with a smirk, "Don't like it? How about Luna?" I frown and shake my head. "What? It's fitting." He laughs at me. "Sorry, but you know that I like you two together."

"Why?" I ask him. Why does he think me and Rhys are good together when he doesn't know me at all? He doesn't even know what I actually look like. He smirks again and sits up from his crouched position.

"I see the way you two interact. Don't think I haven't caught you two laughing to inside jokes. Plus, when you are together, he just seems less stressed and more relaxed. Happier? I don't know what to call it. All I know is that he was in a bad place before you started working here and talked to him." Damon spills out the tea I have been waiting for. Is it just because I make Rhys happy? Don't all friendships make people happy? "Don't you see it? I think you two make a good pair. Mates or not."

I smile and look down, hoping that I am not blushing. I do like Rhys, but I know nothing good can come out of us being together. He deserves someone that can love him. Heck, he deserves someone he can actually touch! "Thanks, but I am not Luna material. I'll help in the search of his mate with you, though." Damon laughs at me and shakes his head.

"That position of finding a mate for him is filled, thank you very much. Though, I think you can take my Beta position so I can take a week off..." He considers it but I shake my head. He is just trying to put all of his work onto me so he can slack off and be lazy. "Aw, please?"

A sound of a knock is heard on the door, followed by a head peaking in. The man they were talking to earlier came in and took Damon out of the room. "See ya later Airi~!" He sings before the door shuts. I shake my head at the bubbly guy that left me alone. I spend my day drowned in work until it gets dark.

When it is time to leave, I gather up my supplies and put them away. Double checking the room, I shut off the lights and leave the room to head to my car that will bring me back. When I get to the car, I see Rhys waiting by the door of the passenger's seat. "Hiya." I great him.

He smiles at me and raises his right arm to wave at me. I see that he is wearing black gloves on his hands and tilt my head in question. "Like them?" He asks me while looking at them, "Had them secretly made so I could surprise you." He walks up to me and holds his arms out. I stare at him, wondering what he wants. He scoffs and walks up to meet me and wraps his arms around me. I cautiously put my arms around him, careful that I don't have any skin contact with his face. I can feel him laughing at my awkwardness.

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