Chapter Two

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Later that night, after the chuck wagon races, my dad offered to drop me off at my apartment. The sky was black and only a few stars were out. The air was cool and still.

"Now I heard you talking to that McCord fellow today. I don't want you two doing anything stupid." My dad looked at me with stern, ice cold eyes. "That means dating."

"Dad! I'm an adult! I'm twenty one and have moved out. You can't tell me when I can start dating!" I tried to open my door but it was locked. I turned back to him but his eyes were still on me. His stare relaxed a notch.

"Look, you're my little girl and I just don't want you to get hurt. Knowing that he competes in rodeos, he'll be gone way too often to maintain a solid relationship." He softened up. I have an older brother but that's about it. My mom and dad had gotten a divorce when I was seventeen. I had always been daddy's little girl. "I don't want you to be like your mom."

"I'll never be like Mom...Promise." I hugged him. "Goodnight."

"G'night." He leaned over, gave me a one-armed hug and unlocked the passenger door. I hopped out, and dug through my purse, looking for my keys. By the time I got up the stairs to the apartment, the car was long gone. I still hadn't found my keys and it was cool out so I rang the doorbell. Seconds later, my best friend, Alice Hemsky, opened the door. She stood there in her pj's, annoyed. Her curly, strawberry blonde, hair was all over the place. Her lean figure leaned against the door frame. Her eyes looked tired.

"So," she yawned, trying to be enthusiastic. "How was your day at the Stampede?" she curled up on the couch with a coffee mug and took a sip. "I've been waiting all night. You left your keys on the counter." She looked over to our small kitchen. There, by the coffee pot, were my keys. I sat down on the chair across from where Alice was, and began telling her about Stetson.

"So, that's it?" Alice asked. I smiled then headed down to my room. She followed then stood outside of my room, in the hallway. I could barely hear her behind me.

"Yep, that's it."

"Well you know, first off, he lives in Texas. Second, I'm sure he has a girlfriend in every town he's competed in." I sighed. When I emerged out of my room, I was wearing my pyjamas as well; a pair of baggy, grey sweats and a t-shirt. "Well, I don't have time for this. I'm going to sleep. I have a full day tomorrow." Alice walked down the hall and turned into her bedroom and shut the door behind her. Alice was a police woman, downtown Calgary. I walked back into my room and sat on the edge of my bed, examining the paper Stetson had given me. Maybe Al is right, I thought as I dozed off to sleep. But, not all things are what they seem. Before I could even think about that anymore, I was in a deep sleep.

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