Waking Up

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I wrenched my eyes open slowly.

My lids felt heavy as I attempted to focus on my surroundings.  Everything was white.

Suddenly my head started pounding. I groaned and lowered it back down onto something soft.


I was lying on a bed.

Ignoring the pain, I forced myself to open my eyes once again. And once again, all I could see was white.

It was frustrating me.


As a strange sound met my ears, I regained my sense of touch and my arm ached as I slowly tried to move it. It felt stiff, as if it had been in the same place for months.

I tried think, but everything was so hazy and it felt like someone was banging a steady drum beat onto my skull.

ever so slowly, my arm moved. Suddenly I was met with resistance: I was attached to something.

I tried to turn to look at it but I found that my head was also restricted.

My heart started pounding and my breathing came rapidly, like there was too much air entering my body for my lungs to hold it all in. My ribs painfully protested.

I was freaking out.

Where was I??

Had somebody taken me?

Had I been kidnapped?

I tried to think back to what I was doing before this, but found I couldn't remember anything at all.

My whole body was aching, but the realisation that I had no idea who I was, where I was, or what I was doing there made me scared beyond any of my physical pain.

I needed to get out of there. fast.

I tried with all my strength to move, to fight what was holding me down, but I felt so weak.

Suddenely I heard footsteps. I froze.

Listening over the punding of my head with all my might, I realised the footsteps were coming closer.

Someone was standing in the room.

I tried to move my head, to see something besides white.

The footsteps were approaching me.

Somebody gasped.

Surprised eyes met mine.

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