To Be Decided

34 4 7

Dedicated to TimeLordsTARDIS because she is the queen of epic ninjas :)

Hey guys, This chapter is boring but I had to put it in there just to break everything up, so hang in there!

Right now I am driving (well…. Not me specifically- otherwise I'm pretty sure there would've been a car crash by now since I am staring at my laptop and not paying attention to the road at all. (For the record I am passing: Grass…trees…road signs…cars..trees….a bridge…trees..more cars..trees..trees…trees) Anyway, you probably won't get this for awhile since I don't have any internet right now and I will be way for a few weeks, but I will still be writing!! I have been driving for 5 hours so far so I have decided to just go through and edit the chapters I haven't uploaded yet, adding random boring author's notes that nobody reads. One of my siblings is sitting in front of me and they have their window open REALLY WIDE and all the air is blowing in my face and making my hair blow into my eyes etc. It is very annoying and we are having multiple arguments about it. I should get on with the story now so…..Bye!


It had been a long afternoon.

Questions from the police, questions I asked myself and now even more questions from this strange, nervous young woman who somehow was qualified to be a counsellor. Or psychiatrist. Or whatever she was. I wasn't particularly sure how, since she really wasn't helping me at all. My brain was just hurting as all my confusing thoughts whirled around and around in one big circle.

"So Tayler, when you look at this photo, what colours come to mind?" She asked me for the millionth time, tucking a strand of brown hair behind her ear and readjusting her oversized glasses.

I allowed my eyes to blur as I stared at the photo. "Ahh..... red?" I said dubiously. My seemingly glamorous dress was red in the photo. I couldn't think of anything else to say.

Thankfully, she seemed to take this as a good sign and moved on to the next item on her list of 'annoying question to ask Tayler Anthonies'.

This was getting seriously boring.

"Do any particularly significant sounds pop into your head when you look at this photo?" was her next question.

I yawned. "Noooooo, not really," I said, stifling the yawn with my hand.

As much as I wanted my memory back, I was sick of this  person asking me pointless questions about colours and sounds and smells and temperatures and who knows what else

"Think hard, dear," she urged, staring at me like she had the idea that by thinking hard enough, somehow she would magically transfer mind powers to me that would allow me to remember my past.

I just looked at the photo and mumbled something that I myself didn't even understand.

Seriously. What did it matter if I got my memory back? I would die of boredom before I even got out of there.

She frowned at me for awhile, trying to figure out what I had said. After awhile she seemed to give up on this and her eyes darted around the room.  "Ok then....ahhhhh..." She seemed to be struggling to think of another mind numbing activity, so I decided to seize the opportunity and help her out.

"Actually I..ahh-" I yawned, "-am really tired.... so..... maybe we could do this...another time?" I finished my sentence in a hopeful tone.

She paused for a second, the confused frown still etched on her face.

"Yes...yes...tired.. well.. alright we can.. yep, well.... goodbye Taylor Anthonies, we will resume this some other time then....Remember to continue what I told you...."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2013 ⏰

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