The things they didn't tell Me

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 Dedicated to emawildatheart for being an epic ninja ;D

Well, I'm still not particularly happy with the previous chapter, especially the beginning, but I decided to just move on. I'm hoping this chapter is better. Only after I hit 'publish' do I realise how many mistakes I have made.   :P

Have a great day! :D


There was something going on, and I wasn't being told about it. I knew that much.

As I sat on the bed, staring at the pane of warped glass in the door, I saw the outlines of the two figures of the police officers who had just left the room,joined by another- Dr Stephenson.

I strained to hear what they were saying, but all I could make out was murmuring.

Creeping off my bed, I bent low to avoid being seen walking, scuttled to the door andleant my ear up against it, listening curiously.

I didn't think crouching near the door was seriously going to make eavesdropping any easier but surprisingly, their voices became much clearer.

" are aware of her current situation, are you not?" I heard Stephenson say.

"Mmmhmm",growled Gale. "not that she is helping us with any of the facts. She maintains that she doesn't remember a thing."

"I have been telling her about herself, so hopefully something will trigger her memory," Dr Stephenson said in a concerned voice.

Holy crap, theyare talking about me.

"Well," chimed in Sturgeon, "I don't buy it. You know where she has come from and what has happened to her and she is bound to know things that she isn't telling us. Have you mentioned to her what happened a few weeks before the accident?"

"No," replied Stephenson, " If she does have amnesia, its best to just let her get on with her life until she remembers.... I feel no need to enlighten her."

My heart started beating faster.

"When are you planning on letting her leave?" asked Gale.

"In a few weeks if allgoes to plan. Her Aunt is moving in, we are just giving her some time to sell her house before she does," repliedStephenson. "Tayler has healed quite quickly since she woke up so I see no reason to keep her here any longer"

"Well, she was in a bloody coma for 3 months. I would expect her to be good and healthy by now," said Sturgeon.

"Did you see her when she was hit though? Total mess. I'm shocked she still lives to tell the tale." Gale objected.

"She isn't telling any tales yet though," said Sturgeon, clearly annoyed. "A good liar that girl is. Takes after her father."

A streak of anger shot through me. Good Liar?!

"What are you going to do now that Patrick is gone?" said Stephenson, curiously.

"Not much we can do, really. It's not like he can be dealt with for anything he has done. And he isn't around to take in for questioning about what happened to his daughter. That's why we were hoping to rely on her. We thought maybe if she was planning on defendingPatrick she would change her mind when she discovered her daddy was dead. But obviously she has other plans." Gale explained.

My heart started beating even faster than before. Confusion and anger started boiling up inside of me.

"Officer, what if she actually does have amnesia?" Stephenson said tentatively.

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