Poor Shanks

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Kuina left her brother to the house of LeRoux and took from there two twin boys. Jim and Teo. They were looking exactly the same, only few could figured out who was who. Both of them orange heads, light blue eyes, white skin. Both of them brilliant and funny but also very childlish. Both of them making inventions who nobody could believe teenage kids could make.

But they were the loyal partners of Shoran White. A little genious teenage girl who both of them adored in their hearts.

Kuina was driving, next to her sitting her sister Susana and back Jim and Teo. The pink hair woman fixed the middle mirror of her car and asked them. "So boys what are you making this time?"

"Memory Video." Jim said and checking if he had took everything they need in their boxes.

Susana turned back to the boys and asked curious. "What's that? I thought you would make a car or a robot."

Teo then started explaining. "Those things are too easy and also we have done that before. We need a challenge if we want the first place."

"But you and Shoran always taking first places in scientific competitions." Susana said then Teo continued enthusiam.

"We need to surpass ourselves and also then maybe Shoran-san recognize that I am the only guy for her!!!" He was blushing but also was very confident.

Jim clear his throat and talked. "You mean she will understand that I am the only one for her!"

"No, I mean that you can come to our weeding like the groom's brother." Teo glared and both of them had thunders on their eyes but then Kuina returned them to reallity.

"Boys, you can not marry Shoran. Your sister and her brother are engaged."

The two orange heads cried. *anime tears*. "It's all Fiona's fault." "Totally her fault."

Susana giggled but took Fiona's side. (the oldest daughter of LeRoux house and also Susana was looking up to her as her senpai, because Fiona was an amazing fashion designer and working under a famous house of fashion) "It's not Fiona's fault at all!!! And also I believe they are a great couple with Snow!!! Their weeding gonna be dreamy!"

"But Snow is Shoran's big brother!!!"

"We know and stopped saying mean things for my best friend. Susana why are you going with them? Won't you be bored with the three of them making their inventions?" Kuina talked and the boys stayed silent for a while crossing their arms like little kids and put out their tongues.

"I will sew their clothes for the competition and also some clothes Shoran asked me." The black hair girl winked and then her phone buzzed a messege and checked it. It was from one of the 'cool' boys of the school who was flirting her.

Susana sang. "Ben send me~~~"

Kuina warned her sister because she knew that Ben was not only a cool guy of the school but also a bad boy. "Susana, I don't like him. He is a bad boy. He will chew you like a bubblegum and then leave you for another chik."

"No he won't!" The pretty girl insisted and focused herself on texting Benjamin Eustass.

"They are nice guys who are intrested on you... why don't you...." Susana ignored her big sister and Kuina with the boys sighed and though ....

Poor Shanks

To the LeRoux house

Willfred and Shanks were playing video games inside Shanks room.

Shanks was Wil's best friend. Even if he had the name of his grandfather Shanks LeRoux their personalities do not look alike. Young Shanks was a very responsible geek teenage boy. He was kind sociable but also shy sometimes and if you asked someone the most normal of all our friends in this story. Always calming the situations and helping where he could. Red hair, crimson eyes a cute guy.

They were palying video games and talked about school events. Because the two boys were Prefects in their school. "The scientific competition is going great we have so many participants." Shanks informed his green hair friend.

"Great... and after this the issue school prom is coming. All the girls will go wild again." Willfred frowned.

Shanks smiled. "Why the sad face? Susana will make many dresses and she will be so excited." The red hair boy was glad because he knew that his childhood friend and also crush will be very happy about that prom and all the girls who would wanted her creations.

From the other hand, the teen with the glasses was not happy about it, because all that girls would go wild and came to his house for their dresses and he was sad because he knew that his twin sister was watching his best friend only as a friend and nothing more.

Shanks blushed when he though. "And this year, I will ask Susana to come with me. I will finally confess."

Wil sweat drop and told him. "Why don't you ask someone else better?"

"Huh? Why? Does she date anyone? Do you know something I don't? Tell me, Wil!"

"I-I don't know anything... just I know my sister. She is always impressed by the cool athletic guys and I don't want to see you hurt."

"I don't care. If I do not do it I will never know. I will confess to Susana and ask her to go together in this prom."

"Poor Shanks." Willfred sighed one more time.




Roronoa Fiasco (Zoro x reader)Where stories live. Discover now