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Draft: 25/08/17 ????
Published: 17/11/17   22:02

"I can't. I can't look away. You're too interesting,"

[Y/n] kept on working after being introduced to Jungkook.

[Y/n] was right thinking he was an angel. He even sounded like one. His voice was a little high but [Y/n] didn't care. It sounded so smooth and silky like creamy butter cream. [Y/n] noticed that the boy seemed to be shy which made him feel...soft for him? No one was shy towards him and Jungkook was the first. Everyone would either just talk to him normally or straight out ignore him. He didn't like either of them, being the introverted person he was, but he always put other people's feelings in front of his. If they ignore him, fine. If they are obnoxious and can't tell he really does not want to talk, rude of them, but fine.

Before he left Jungkook, [Y/n] gave Jungkook a small cat like smile before walking back behind the counter, instantly bombarded with more customers. It was intimidating to [Y/n] but he coped with it.

[Y/n] raced down the counter, picking up the desired goodies before serving it to the customer. It was definitely hectic with all the people wanting their own food but [Y/n] stuck with it.  At least he was getting exercise.

[Y/n] couldn't help but feel like someone was watching his every move. It didn't feel uncomfortable, instead the stare felt warm and filled with love. As [Y/n] thought this, the apple of his cheeks turned pink in embarrassment of a secret admirer. He tended to do that. Come up with ridiculous scenarios. Maybe he was just assuming things too early. [Y/n] shook his head and sighed, getting back to work.

The stare still lingered on him though which made him feel a bit uncomfortable after a few minutes. [Y/n] didn't mind if it were a few minutes but twenty minutes? That was the longest someone ever wanted to look at him.

So [Y/n] looked up at the place the person was at and was surprised to see that it was Jungkook that was staring at him. As the two pairs of eyes stared at each other, Jungkook averted his eyes to his apple pie that he hadn't even ate yet.

[Y/n] blinked a few times before getting embarrassed, looking away while deciding to wash the dishes. As he did his mind became a storm of questions, his mind thinking this and that. Why was Jungkook staring at him with love and care? What reason did he have to even stare at him? It was beyond him why but it did make him feel giddy inside.

"[Y/n]-ah," the voice of his boss called out in the chatter of people "stop doing the dishes, I'll do them," [Y/n] turned his head as he heard the voice, seeing it was Nari. Her blue eyes looked at him calmly while her lips were pulled into a cheeky grin. She noticed the boy in the corner staring at [Y/n] in admiration and already she shipped the two together. [Y/n] looked at her surprise seeing as she was the manager.

"Are you sure?" [Y/n] asked, shaking his hands before patting them on the cloth that was hanging beside him. Nari snorted looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"Don't be so surprised," Nari responded "it's only because 'he' has been staring at you for twenty minutes already," Nari motioned her head to Jungkook who had his head bowed while eating his apple pie. [Y/n] felt his cheeks redden as he found out someone else noticed Jungkook staring at him.

Nari smirked at the younger boy's reaction, shaking her head while untying [Y/n]'s apron. "I think all the staff noticed how that boy took interest in you," she hummed with a teasing tone, watching as [Y/n] huffed and clicked his tongue. It sounded like annoyance but the woman knew it was from embarrassment.

She pulled the apron over his head before pushing the boy forcefully away from the sink and to the boy "Go get 'im tiger!" She silently cheered, laughing as she saw the terrified expression on [Y/n]'s face. His [e/c] eyes were wide in panic as his lips were pursed together from nervousness.

[Y/n] sighed, closing his eyes and then opening them. He walked calmly to Jungkook, being careful to not trip and fall which he most likely would do.

"Hey...," [Y/n] said softly as he pulled a chair out so he could sit on it. The chair emitted a soft scraping sound before he stopped and sat on it "I noticed you were staring at me,"

Jungkook lifted his head, his chocolate brown eyes looking up to [Y/n]'s [e/c] eyes. [Y/n] gave him a soft smile, glad that he didn't ignore him.

He hated being ignored.

"You want to get to know each other?" [Y/n] suggested, tilting his head a bit in curiosity. This caught Jungkook's attention. Jungkook's shy expression turned into a cocky one, his fingers drumming on top of the table. This made [Y/n] grin to himself.

"You wanna play twenty questions?" Jungkook asked, his turn to talk. [Y/n] nodded his head and pulled his chair closer, holding his hands together in the table.

"You're on," he replied, laughing a bit at the end in excitement. He never played this with his 'friends'. This will be interesting.

"Ok, we will take turns to ask questions and you have to answer them no matter what the question. If the person asked the question answers, then the person that said the question has to answer as well," Jungkook explained, pulling in his chair as well. [Y/n] hummed to let him know he understood. "I'll go first!" Jungkook quickly said with a bunny like grin. [Y/n] laughed, rolling his eyes at the childish man.

Jungkook observed the cafe as he thought of a question. While he was distracted, [Y/n] looked at Jungkook's perfect face, seeing his adorable thinking face

 While he was distracted, [Y/n] looked at Jungkook's perfect face, seeing his adorable thinking face

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((Hehe, your welcome))

"What's your favourite colour?" Jungkook finally asked, snapping his head at [Y/n] who scoffed at the question.

"Really? That's a question literally everyone asks," [Y/n] sighed with a grin despite being bored of the question. Jungkook narrowed his eyes at [Y/n], pretending to be huffing. [Y/n] groaned and nodded his head, giving in and answering his question "My favourite colour is a light aquamarine colour,"

Jungkook nodded his head at the answer, his hands drumming on the table "My favourite colour is royal red," he revealed to [Y/n].

"That would explain the red hoodie that says 'SQUAD' on it," [Y/n] teased to which Jungkook looked down to his chest to see the exact word imprinted in blue capital letters. Jungkook let out a small chuckle which made [Y/n] smile a bit softer.

"Ok...my turn," [Y/n] said, clearing his throat and sitting comfortably in his seat "What's your favourite animal?" He had asked, watching as Jungkook's eyebrows raised. 

"And you complained about my questions being too cliche," Jungkook teased [Y/n] this time.

The shorter boy rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up," [Y/n] laughed "Just answer the question,"

Jungkook sighed through his nose and shooked his head, playfully glaring at [Y/n]. "My favourite animal is a bunny if you want to know that much," Jungkook stated, staring the boy down to make him spit his favourite animal out.

The stare made [Y/n] a little intimated but [Y/n] shook the feeling away "My favourite animal is a tiger," [Y/n] responded, glaring back at Jungkook who's smile turned into a goofy grin.

What the two didn't know this was the start of a wonderful relationship.

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