Is Two Better Than One?

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"Come on, Stella, live a little. We need to celebrate you coming home!" Jess begged.

It'd been a year since my separation from Justin, and even longer since I'd done anything even remotely exciting. Being the daughter of the mayor called for boring days and even more boring nights. "It'll just be a couple hours, no heavy drinking just dancing, I swear." She added

I could actually use some heavy drinking if we were being honest. I'd been working my ass off trying to prove to my dad that I was worthy of his law firm. "Fine." I gave in.

She beamed at me, her perfectly white teeth on full display behind her bright red lips. She had always been extremely beautiful, the kind of natural beauty that made men and women turn their heads.

The club she wanted to hit was one I'd known well in my high school years, it was secluded and seriously underground, which made it so much easier to go unnoticed. I wrapped my knuckles against the heavy metal door of Club Base, the peephole slab slid to the side, "Password?"

I rolled my eyes, I knew he'd still be bouncing here, "Let me in, fucker."

Christopher chuckled and quickly pushed the heavy door open, "Long time no see, Stella. We've missed your ass around here."

I smirked at him, "I'm sure you guys did." I winked when I spotted Christian as we rounded the door.

Christopher and his fraternal twin brother Christian had always been so fucking sexy. They were both easily taller than six foot, But that was about as much as they resembled each other. Christopher's body was average but his face was drop dead, big blue eyes, thick blonde hair and a perfect smile, he was the softer of the two. The one who was constantly smiling, and joking. Christian on the other hand was hard all over, his arms, legs and chest were massive, his body chiseled from the Michelangelo himself. But his face and features were just as hard as his body.

"Hey, big guy." I patted his chest, "This is Jess." I looked back at Jessica, "These absolute beauties are Christopher and Christian. I've known them since high school." Jess gawked at Christopher, but avoided meeting Christians eyes.

Most people did, he tended to make them uneasy, yet I'd never gotten that vibe, I'd always actually felt a little sadness for him. As if his eyes were stuck in some kind of past trauma. He embraced me, his thick arms squeezing my small frame, his dark brown eyes burning a hole right through me. "Missed you, Stel." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

"You too big guy." I patted his back and he kissed my cheek. His eyes dark eyes never left mine, but he didn't say much of anything else.

Christopher spoke up, "Let me get Kev to cover my shift and we'll have a drink with you guys."

I beamed and watched his cute little ass as we took off further into the dark layout of the club. When I turned around Christian was so close I could feel the heat coming from his body, his eyes still burning into me.

They were both well into their 30's now but didn't look a day over 25. "Come on, let's get a drink." I motioned to Jess and Christian as I walked towards the bar, Christian fell behind and Jess quickly caught up with me.

"Dude, why can't I be single right now?" She whined.

I let out a loud laugh, "You love Brian, What thenhell are you talking about?"

She sighed, "Yeah, I know. He's pretty amazing."

"Love sick little bitch. Makes me wanna barf." I feigned being sick to my stomach.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2017 ⏰

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