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(Youni POV)

I failed the first time, but I meant too, because it gives me more time to figure out where they are going. Leaping onto a roof, I watched the car speed off towards the suburbs of town.

Running after the car, but staying far enough behind so they sense me. The car stopped at a house which was closets to the forest, the front lawn was adorned with red roses and orchids. The house itself looked like out of a horror movie, the house was a dark shade of grey.

Landing silently in a tree, I watched Namjin frantically lift Yoonmin from the car while the other three men ran after them into the house.

"Jimin! Yoongi!" Yoongi, he's here. Great, I can kidnap Yoonmin while he's here. I should wait it out. Wait, I got the vampires blood on my blade. Maybe I could perform a spell to kill that vampire. I took out my blade and sure enough, there was black substance on it.

Smiling to myself, I leaped into the woods and began searching for herbs and some fire rock. After poking around in the dirt and the shore of the river, I found the rock, and few herbs meant for making certain potion or medicine. The ones I needed were for spells and potions. I would create a spell that would create an intense amount of pain to the person who's blood I have.

I have that one vampire's blood, maybe with the right herbs I could not only cause him pain, but control his body at will. There is enough blood to do that. Digging a small pit into the ground, I piled some sticks into the small pit and began striking the stones together to make sparks. After a small fire was going, I began crushing the herbs into a small bowel I had. Crushing the stems thoroughly and seeds. After that, I placed the bowel over the fire to heat. After a few minutes, I tipped the blade of my knife and let the black substance drip onto the crushed herbs and water.

The substance turned a sort of red, before turning a murky blue, perfect. Dipping the tip of my blade into the liquid again, I chanted a few words, and the liquid turned a gold color, just right. 

I poked my finger into it and began drawing symbols on my arm. Then my vision began to dim, and then I saw a living room. Good, I'm in his head, I can control him this way. Looking around, I noticed he was alone and in a bedroom. His arm was bandaged up. I stood up and left the bedroom, searching for Yoonmin. 

"Jackson!" A voice called out. I turned to see a boy rushing to me. "What are you doing out of bed? Get back in there sweetie." This must be his boyfriend. I couldn't let him delay me anymore time, so I shoved him and went flying down the hall, breaking a picture in the process. 

"What's going on?!" Yoongi shouted. I turn and ran off to Yoonmin's room, where he was just leaving the bedroom, punching him across the head, lifting him up and jumping out a window with his parents and fiancee screaming behind me. 

I saw myself and set Yoonmin's unconscious body in front of me. Snapping out of the spell, I was back in my body and staring at a confused Jackson. 

"Well, I don't need you anymore." I said kicking him hard in the stomach to send him flying out of the woods and landing in front of Namjin and the others. Smiling down at Yoonmin, I lifted him up and sped away to my secret house in the woods. The screams of Namjin and his eomma, fade behind me so quick that I was sure they weren't making ant noise at all.

Now time to torture. 

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