thank you

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THANK YOU!!!! Thank you guys so much for reading my series I feel like I accomplished so much and it's all thanks to you guys!

I honestly couldn't have finished this if it wasn't for all my excellent readers giving me ideas and confidence to keep this series going!

I love you all so much. I'm going to be taking a short break and come up with maybe more ideas for maybe a new series!

And I just want to put this out there, but my story titles were inspired by a band I really like.

Kill or be killed


Other Side

I hope you enjoyed the series just as much as I have.

Send in requests for a new series that you have in mind. I've been planning a Vhope or Namjin series bit it's up to you guys!

Love you so much!

Other Side (Yoonmin Vampire Fic)Where stories live. Discover now