Chapter 2

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"Fucking hell." He yelled painfully, as he released his grip on Inanna's hair. 

She must have kicked him really hard, he looked like he was seriously in pain, she thought. Inanna then took the opportunity to grab the gun from him.

 She then pointed the gun at his direction. "Payback's a bitch now, huh?"

Marlon looked at her, puzzled. He cannot seem to figure her out. What was she, an angel or a devil? He just didn't know whether to be outraged, or in awe of her. Nobody had ever dared to go against him, at least not in the way she did. Many feared him, nobody had her guts. 

She was special.

"Keep it." he said. 

She stared at him, confused. He pointed to the gun.

"It's yours." He smirked, as he exited the restaurant.

Inanna immediately placed the gun to the ground and then fell to her knees. She was in shock. What just happened, she thought. Her heart was pounding so fast. 

Mr Santiago and Josh rushed over to her.

"You need to get some rest! Go home, kiddo. You're not coming back here until I tell you so." Mr Santiago warned Inanna, as he gave her a cup of water to help her calm her nerves. 

Inanna nodded silently while she tried to comprehend what happened. 

It had been two days since that incident. Inanna was sitting down and reading her favourite book, while Jennifer was channel surfing. Mr Santiago had forbade Inanna from coming to work  until he thought it was safe to. So, in the meantime, she was stuck at home. 

Jennifer looked at her, and asked. "Are you okay babe?"

Inanna placed her book on the table and turned to face her best friend. 

"Jen, I know you are concerned about me. I appreciate it. I'm genuinely okay. Don't worry. " Inanna smiled as she reassured Jennifer.

When Jennifer heard about the incident from Josh, her brother and Inanna's colleague. She went crazy. She made sure she would called Inanna every hour at home to check up on her. She even tried to convince Inanna to file a case against the guy. Inanna thought it was futile because she didn't know who he was exactly. She also didn't want to get herself involved in all those investigations. She wanted to live her life peacefully. Jennifer could respect that, but as her best friend, she was worried for Inanna. 

"The Lachowski Corporation is now worth 500 billion dollars. Making Marlon Lachowski, one of the most successful and influential businessman we have today." Jennifer's thoughts were interrupted by the latest news report.

"Influential businessman, my ass." She scoffed.

"Why don't they just call him for what he really is, the most dangerous man in the country, who killed countless of people just to set up his empire. He's such a heartless man, yet, it's men like him who can end up with so much power. Life is really unfair." Jennifer whined. 

Inanna was too immersed in the book to realise what Jennifer was saying. She felt bad because she didn't want to ignore her best friend. So, she just glanced at the TV, nodded and went back to reading her book. When suddenly, she realised she saw a familiar face.

She looked up to see him. 

It was him, the man with the gun. 

Her heart started pounding quickly again. Her palms were sweaty, she was just dumbfounded. 

"Jen, w-w-who is he?" Inanna asked.

" Marlon Lachowski, one of the youngest billionaire and also one of the most dangerous man we have in our country. The man is insane, Inanna. There were reports that he killed a number of people for his own business agenda. Even our justice system  couldn't gather any proof against him. With the power he holds over everything now, I don't think they are going to find any proof ever." Jennifer said, shuddering. 

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