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The house was rickety and broken, but the legend was well and truly fixed. Sam and Dean Winchester marched they're way through the door of the residence, slowly at first but soon picked up on speed.

The two men held their guns in their hands, each loaded with silver bullets. They had followed a trail of blood and flesh on the way there, flesh they could only assume belonged to a human. As Sam and Dean approached the hall, the light sound of chewing could be heard coming from a door to their left.

With a quick glance at eachother and a few hand signal's, they barged through the door, knocking it off its hinges, only to come face to face with a werewolf munching down on a human heart, as the body of a woman layed in front of him.

The werewolf resembled a man mostly, but he was different. Sharp razor teeth were wrapped around the flesh of the heart. His eyes were a bright yellow and his pupils seemed to have pulled their way into slits. The blood from the woman was smeared across his face and hands, as his claws dug deep into the flesh of the heart, holding it in place.

At the sight of Sam and Dean, the werewolf stopped ripping apart the heart and dropped it to the ground, it's yellow eyes locked onto the boys as it prepared itself for attack mode. Before they had a chance to think, the werewolf had pounced towards them falling on top of Sam and pinning him to the ground.

"Dean! Shoot it!" Sam yelled as he pushed the werewolf away from him with the side of his gun.

Dean didn't hesitate at his brothers words and as soon as he was positioned behind his brother and the werewolf he pulled the trigger, watching as the silver bullet made a clean shot through the werewolfs back, piercing it's heart before it fell forwards on top of Sam.

"Took you long enough," San stated, pushing the werewolf off from on top of him and taking Dean's hand as he offered it to him, pulling himself up off the ground.

"You can't rush perfection Sammy," Dean retorted, handing Sam back his gun.

The both of them started to make their way out of the broken down house, "You can if I'm about to be puppy chow to a werewolf!" Sam exclaimed angrily towards his brother.

"Nonsense, your fine," Dean stated, pushing open the door to the house and both him and Sam walked out, making their way over to the black 1967 Chevy Impala, that stood waiting for them in front of the house.

Sam rolled his eyes at his brother as Dean unlocked the boot and opened up the arsenal in the trunk. The two started to place their weapon's in the back when a repetitive ringing sound echoed around the air, making Sam clap his hand over the back pocket of his jeans.

Sam put his hand down his pocket and pulled out his phone, looking on the scream only to find a number but no name. Sam shot Dean a confused look which he only returned before Sam swiped his finger across his screen and pulled the phone up to his ear.

" Hello," Sam said in a cautious voice, but a very confident one replied.

Sam, it's Becky, Becky Rosen.

The distant voice came out of the phone, loud enough for Dean to hear it as well, making both man's eyes widen.

"Becky! Why are you calling? How did you get my number?" Sam replied, curious on how she had managed to contact them.

There was a slight pause before Becky's nervous voice answered.

I got it out of your phone ages ago, you know, that time we got married, and I'm calling because I need your help.

Sam and Dean rolled their eyes at first to Becky's answer, but when she said the next bit, the both of them couldn't help but be curious.

"Need our help with what?" Sam asked, patiently waiting for Becky's answer.

I can't tell you, well not over the phone, is there a place we can meet up?

Becky's voice replied.

Sam and Dean sent eachother thoughtful looks before finally answering.

"Umm, well we're up near Ohio at the moment, so how about we meet there at Biggersons at lunch tomorrow?" Sam said.

Sounds great, see you then, bye.

Becky replied before hanging up without another word.

There was a long pause as Sam pulled the phone away from his ear and placed it back in his pocket, "Well that was wierd," Dean finally said.

"Your telling me," Sam replied, as the two man made their way into the impala, "I'm curious on why she needs our help though," Sam added.

Dean put the keys into the impala and the engine roared into life, "There's only one way to find out, I guess we're stopping off at Ohio," Dean answered, pressing down on the accelerator and driving off down the road into the night. The bloody corpse and werewolf layed forgotten as the house became nothing but a speck in the distance.

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