Chapter 2

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( Alexa POV)

"Alexa get up! You'll be late for work!" My dad yells..."I'm up I'm up!!!" I scream back as I sit up in bed. I rub my eyes and blink trying to adjust to my surroundings. I'm sitting in my bed and I look over at the clock to see its already 8:00am! "Shit!" I yell and spring out of bed. I run to the other side of my bedroom and into the bathroom hoping into the shower. "Oh Fuck!" I yell as the cold water runs down by back, but I had no time to waste my dad was going to kill me if I get to the warehouse late!Quickly jumping out and getting dressed in high-wasted skinny jeans, a white shirt, black combat boots and a military green jacket. I grab my gun and strap it to my thigh before rushing out of my room and to my dark blue hummer totally skipping breakfast. I skid out of the driveway and race to the warehouse where my dad is probably already waiting for me. As daughter of the 2nd most powerful gang in the world, you would think I would be pretty responsible but surprise surprise I'm late for the 3rd time in the past week oops. 15 min later I finally pull up to the warehouse. It was placed on the edge of town so no one would really know about it. I jump out of the car and lock it before running into the warehouse. After practically busting down the doors I stop to see one of my best friends running towards me. "Lee!!" I yell before being crushed into a big hug. "Alex!!" Lee yells in excitement. I set her down and we both head up to my dads office catching up on things since Lee was sent off to Brazil for a mission and I haven't seen her in 2 weeks! We nod to the guards who stand at the front of the door and walk in. A group of about 35 men and women turn their heads to look and Lee and I. We quickly take our seats at the round table. My dad glares at me before continuing the meeting. All the men and women here are responsible for different sections of the gang that are either based in a different state or country. Our headquarters are based here in the little town of St. Helen's, Oregon. Which is absolutely beautiful since its mostly really dense forest. Our enemy gang the Royals are based in Portland, Oregon. Kinda ironic right and no one knows who the true leader of that group is! As the meeting went on, it was mostly based on our next trading deal dates and expanding but what perked my interest was when my dad brought up the Royal gang. " The leader himself contacted me last week asking for us to finally sign an alliance treaty and protection for both gangs if under attack, we will vote here today. I don't know about you guys but finally being on the good side of the most powerful gang sounds like a good deal to me. But we will be on guard at all times in case this meet up is just a planned invasion, is that understood?" My father says looking around the room. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Alright then, lets take a vote. Raise your hand if you want the treaty." Lee and I raised our hands along with 22 others or so. Lee and I are on the same page with the idea of more protection and safety for the people all over the world. The final stand was 27 agree, 8 disagree. "Well it looks like we will be meeting with the Royals on Saturday in Seattle everyone get your things and men in order we leave in two days". My father said standing up. And with that the group disperses. Lee and I stay behind as everyone leaves. I have to talk to my father, Once the door closes my father looks as me then down at his papers before saying " this is the 3rd time this week Alexa". " I know I'm sorry dad training has gotten harder and harder and it leaves me absolutely exhausted", I say looking down. "I know your training has gotten harder sweetheart but I need you to be the best you can be so someday you can follow in my place as leader and so you can protect yourself, you are already one of the best here but just remember, there is always going to be someone better than you". my dad said walking up to me and handing me a file. I nodded and hugged him before grabbing Lees hand and leaving the office. Lee then tells me she has to leave to go see Isaac, her boyfriend and I'm left all alone. I walk to my office and sit down behind my desk and open the fire my dad handed to me. Inside is a mission he has assigned me and 2 people of my choosing that needs to be completed by tonight. I grab my phone and call Zac and Luca. In less than 2 minutes they are knocking on my door. "Come in", I said and gestured for them to site down. They both take their seats and lean forward to see the file. These 2 men are apart of my own personal squad of 13 members that I hand selected myself. Each person is ranked and specializes in a certain category like Zac is my #4 rank and specializes in driving, and Luca is my #6 rank that specializes in weapons mostly revolving around guns. I picked these two specifically because, we have a gun trading mission tonight in exchange for some $ and Cars that we have ordered. The seller/buyer is unknown so we need to be on guard. There was a location and set time of 6:00pm. I check my clock and it ready 2:00pm. It will take us 2 hours to drive to the location . I explain the situation to the men then told them we leave in an hour and a half. They nod and leave the room. I get up and lock my office door before turning back to my desk and pressing a button under on of the drawers. Then my side wall is pushed back and a weaponry wall replaces it. I grin and grab my backpack throwing in different  types of explosives and gadgets just in case this deal goes wrong. I strap another gun to my other thigh and throw a couple throwing knives into my jacket pockets and pockets in my combat boots. I put my hair up in a special ponytail that will expand and turn into a whip when broken. When I'm armed to the teeth I set everything back to normal and walk out of my office to see my hummer all packed and ready to go and Zac in the drivers seat with Luca in the back smiling and yelling at me to hurry up. I run down the stairs and jump into the car. Zac pushed down on the gas and we go flying our of the warehouse and on we go to complete the mission!         

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