Chapter 3

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Rowans (POV)

After arriving to the warehouse I parked the car and walk in with my mind on all the things that need to be done today. I head straight up to my office and close the door, not really in the mood to talk to anyone. I dive down into paperwork and assigning  missions when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in" I yell and lean back in my chair. A really muscular man with tattoos running down his arms comes in. My 2nd in command Colton sits down. "Whats up dude", I say putting my feet up on my table. "Rowan, I understand you've got a hella lot of work you gotta get done but my buddies and I want to remind you of the gun shipment trade tonight with the Cunningham gang". I nod my head and said "that's right but we went under as an unknown buyer, well I still want to do an alliance treaty with them so why not kill 2 birds with one stone? I'll come with you guys tonight, load up those cars they want and grab 10 men to tag along you never know when things could start to get ugly." Colton nods his head and leaves. I quickly get some more paperwork done and gear up. Before leaving the office I grab the treaty and head out. I jump into my car and Colton hops into the passenger side along with a close member of mine Mike. We get the semi truck loaded with the 2 cars the Cunningham's requested and took off to visit their gang at the designated meeting spot. 

2 hours later we finally arrived at an abandoned city in the middle of nowhere. This is where most gangs take there fighting and trades so no outsiders or cops can interfere. I park the car behind an old building and we set of on food from here. We keep our guard up until we end up at the center of the city. There must have been a park here at some point but everything died and was removed leaving a huge open square in the middle of the city. I see in the distance a dark blue car coming closer and closer until they stop at the other side of the square and get out. They grab 4 metal cases out of the back and start walking towards us. I place my hand on my gun just to be sure no funny business occurs. They eventually stop about 20 ft from us. There are only 3 of them one being a girl. She had a mask covering her nose down so you could only see her hazel eyes, and long wavy braided hair. The other 2 were about 6'3 and also had bandannas covering their faces as well. The girl looks at me then says " Are you in charge here?" I smiled and nodded "why yes I am princess now lets get a move on here so we can all go home in one piece and as happy campers got it?" I say smirking. The girl narrows her eyes at me but then gestures with her fingers for the 4 cases to be brought forward. She opens everyone and I smile as I see all 4 AK-47's in perfect condition. I wave my finger forward and the semi truck unloads the 2 dodge vipers. These were some fast cars so I kind of wonder what they are gonna do with these. The masked girls eyes brighten at the sight of them and I let her men jump into the cars and drive off. "Nice doing business with ya". And begins to turn around before I yell "Wait!" She stops and slowly turns around. I grab for the treaty in my jacket pocket and her hands go immediately to  her leg where her gun is strapped. I finally pull the damn piece of paper out and hand it to her She looks down at it and reads it before looking back at me. "So your the leader of the Royal gang?" She asks. I nodded and said "surprised princess?" "Don't call me that," she says. "Well princess I thought might as well kill two birds with one stone so what do you say? Join us for an alliance?" She opens her mouth to speak when all of a sudden shots were being sound off. I duck under cover of the semi and look to see where the shots are coming from. Looking high on top of the buildings were some snipers aiming for us. "Shit!" I yell as more shots rang out. "Were like sitting ducks out here boss!" Mike yells crawling towards me. I swear and look around for some more cover, then my eyes spot that masked girl down on the ground. I mentally swear to myself and was about to save her sorry ass when the smell of gas hit my nose. Shit they hit the fucking gas tank! "RUN!" I yell and push off the truck trying to get as much distance between me and the truck as possible. Seconds later the semi exploded and the force was to great causing my men and I to go flying a solid 20 feet. I land on my arm and groan in pain. That was gonna bruise and hurt in the morning. I look to see Mike and Colton already taking off running for cover using a metal brief case for cover. They seem to make it to cover fine. I slowly get up and start to run after them when I stop and look to see that poor masked girl lying quite a ways from where I first spotted her. The explosion probably sent her flying as well. I quickly go over to see if she is even alive, I mentally yell at myself saying I'm going to get my own sorry ass killed if I help her and you never help anyone. I feel for a pulse and got one but its very weak. I pick her up and start running towards the closest building for cover. Once inside I lay her down and sit against the wall gasping for air. I look the girl up and down and notice lots of blood pooling from what looks like a gun shot wound to the right shoulder. I brush her hair away from her face. She actually looks beautiful even in this state, wait what am I saying!!?? I'm Rowan Knight the gang leader and player who only does one night stands and never stays with a girl, yet this one is doing something to me. In order for me to clean her wound I had to take her shirt off. I slowly try to just pull the shoulder down when her eyes suddenly shot open and then a pain rips through my left cheek. She punched me! "You sick pervert!" She yells trying to back away from me. Her mask must have fallen somewhere on the run here but I'm glad it's gone because I can now look at that stunning face. "I was only trying to tend to your wounds". I yell at her while rubbing my cheek, that was going to bruise. "What are you talking about I'm fine!" She yells trying to get up. She was able to do that but when she tried to take her first step she gasped in pain and collapsed. Lucky I was fast enough and caught her. We were both on the ground with her head resting on my chest. She sits up and blushed slightly before climbing off me and leaning against the wall. "This hurts like a bitch". She says through clenched teeth. "I know it does and if you don't let me help you then it will only get worse!" I say looking her strait in the eyes. She glares at me then looks down at her hands. 'Hurry up and don't try anything funny or I'll put a bullet through you." She says glaring up at me laying down on her back. I nodded and knelled down next to her. I rip her shirt a bit just so I could get to the wound better and she huffed in annoyance. I try to look for the bullet wound but it was difficult with all the blood in the way. Eventually I found the entrance hole near her collar bone barely avoiding the bone. "This is going to hurt a lot." I say trying to clean off all the blood best I could. She only nods and I begin digging for the bullet. She screamed some very colorful words and I smiled at how bad that mouth of hers was. When I finally got it out I ripped a piece of her shirt and used it to try and stop the bleeding. "This should do for now until we find a professional." I say before moving away from her. I get up and look through the windows trying to spot anymore snipers, we couldn't stay here forever. I whip out my phone and call Mike. It rings once before he picks up, "Boss where the fuck are you!?" He asks sounding out of breath. "I'm fine Mike I'm stuck in a building with the bandanna girl". I say looking back at her to see her trying to stand again. "Hey Mike bring the car here I'll send you my location." I say walking back to the window. "Kay but what about the girl?" He asks. I glance at her and whisper into the phone "Well take her with for now," and I hang up.       

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