Chapter 4

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Well this mission will go down in the books I thought. I look at the dude who helped me and he kept stealing glances my way while on the phone. I have to admit thought he is easy on the eyes if you know what I mean. Tall around 6'4 with an athletic/muscular body. Some tattoos and he has dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. He's a cute one but I still don't even know his name! Once he hangs up the phone he walks back over to me and sits down. There was an awkward silence until I broke the silence with a question, "So whats your name?" I asked. He looked at me weird before saying "Rowan, Rowan Knight, and what might your's be?" "Alexis Cunningham, daughter of Paul Cunningham." I say proudly. Rowan raises a brow and smiles before shaking his head and looking away. "Hey, whats that look for?" I yell at him but before he says anything the sound of a car horn blares from outside. Rowan quickly gets up and looks out the window. "Well our rides here." He says dusting off his jeans. "Our ride? You mean yours," I say crossing my arms. "No ours your injured and I can't just leave you out here." He said reaching out a hand for me to grab. I smack it away and say "that is exactly what your going to do, leave without me, my own group should be here any second to get me." He rolls his eyes and does something I totally didn't expect. He dropped down and easily picked me up. I was frozen for a second before snapping out of it and started hitting him. "Put me down damn it I'm not going with you!" I yell. Rowan laughs and bends down to set me in his car, he then runs over to the other side and jumps into the drivers side. I try to open the door but Rowan locks it before I could even try. He then takes off and lets just say the ride was not smooth, every bump we hit caused a wave of pain. My shoulder started bleeding again and eventually I got really tired and fell asleep.

My eyes slowly open feeling like 100 pounds each and I take in my surroundings. I'm laying in an unfamiliar bed in an unknown room. I try to get up but hiss in pain. I pull the covers off with my good arm and look to see my shoulder all wrapped in clean new gauze. I also noticed I'm wearing new clothes. I honestly didn't care who changed me but right now I need to get the hell out and back home. My father is probably worried sick. I slowly stand up and make my way towards the door. Just when I was about to open it someone came barging in and practically tackled me in the process. The door hit me in the forehead and I take a few steps back swearing as I rub my forehead. "Oh shit Alexa I'm sorry!" someone says placing their hands on the side of my arms. I open my eyes to see Rowans bright blue ones staring into my own. "Damn it Rowan what the hell." I yell throwing weak punches at his arm. He grabs my hand and pulls me to his chest. "Calm down Alexa, and let me explain" He whispers into my ear. My ears turn a bit pink at how close we are and I push him away. "You've got 30 seconds," I say crossing my arms. "Okay shit uh.... so you know about that treaty I wanted your gang to agree on, well I called you dad and asked him if you could sign it in his place and he agreed, so can you do that for me? Then I will personally drop you off right after no strings attached okay?" He says. I think about what he said and nodded fine as long as I get home I don't care. He picked me up bridal style and carried me to what I think to be his office. He carefully places me in a chair and I lean forward to read the treaty in front of me. After reading it 3 or more times I ask for a pen and sign my name on it and the gang symbol, which is a willow tree intertwined with roses. Rowan then does the same but his symbol is a crown. I nodded and shook hands with him before trying to get out of my chair. Rowan helps me and we slowly make it across the huge ass house to the garage where his car was. I get into the passenger seat and Rowan in the drivers. It will take us about 3 hours to get to my house so I buckle up and get ready for the long drive ahead of us.

After about 3 hours we finally drive past a huge thick forest. I tell him to turn here at the dirt road that leads into the woods. He looks at me weird before finally doing as I say. Driving deeper and deeper into the forest we finally hit black top. By this time its already dark out and you can see faint house lights in the distance. When we pull up to my house I look to see Rowan looking at my home in awe. Yeah its like my little piece of heaven and its all mine. I requested an almost twilight type of house except mine has way more glass walls and its bigger but, I love the location the most because on the other-side there is a beautiful view of the river and since were so high up, all the cliffs and trees look small. I get out of the car and start walking towards the house. Rowan also gets out of the car and follows. I stop and look at him weird. "What I just drove for practically 3 hours and its already 11:00pm could I please stay the night?" He says before putting on a puppy face. I don't know why but for a leader of the most powerful gang in the world, me seeing his childish personality kinda shocks me. I reluctantly nodded and unlocked the door. I lead him through the house and upstairs to the spare bedroom. "You can stay here tonight," I say pointing to the room. "But I wanted to stay with you princess<" He said winking. I rolled my eyes and pointed to my room, "That's where I sleep and if I see your sorry ass in there I'll shoot your baby maker got it?" I said glaring at him. His eyes widened and he smiled before walking into his room. I groan and walk into mine making sure I locked it. I press a button on the wall to turn the glass walls in my room from clear/see-through, to non-transparent so no one can see inside my room since 4 of the walls are glass except the wall that my door is attached to and my closet. I undress and walk towards the shower. I turn it on and stand under it letting the heat soak through my soar bones and muscles. I get all clean and hop out. I grab a towel and dry off before throwing it into the hamper. I walk out of my bathroom and look to see Rowan sitting on my bed and staring at me. His face turns bright red and I scream "ROWAN COVER YOUR FUCKING EYES RIGHT NOW!!" I run into my closet and slam the door, locking it before slumping down and placing my head between my knees. I hear Rowan yell "I'm sorry! How was I supposed to know you would walk out of the bathroom naked! I mean not that I minded but still a normal person would have at least worn a fricken towel!" I get up and quickly throw on shorts and and over sized shirt before unlocking the door. I look to see Rowan still sitting on my bed and I start walking towards him. He smiled and pats the bed expecting me to sleep by him but I've got other plans. I go over to his side and bend down to grab something from underneath the bed. When I stand up he looks at me confused before he saw the gun in my hand. His eyes got bug and he yelled shit before trying to bold he was about to open my bedroom door before I fired and the bullet lodged into the concrete wall right next to him. I missed his ear by 3 millimeters exactly. He slowly turned around and put his hands up. I walk up to him with the gun still pointing at him. I then say through gritted teeth "Get the hell out of my room or next time I won't miss!" His eyes darken all of a sudden before I'm suddenly slammed into the wall. My gun falls out of my hands and my arm are pinned above my head. His body presses against mine and I can feel his breath tickling my neck. "Look at me," He growls in a demanding tone. So, I guess this is the scary side of Rowan I thought. I felt a hand grab my jaw and lifted it up so now I'm stuck looking into his gorgeous eyes. I can't help it as I get lost in them. He leans forwards and whispers into my ear. "I let your threaten me once, I refuse to let you do it again without being punished," He pulls away to look at my face and my eyes go wide. I try to struggle out of his grip but it was like steel. He then leans forward and glances from my eyes to my lips. My mind keeps screaming at me that this is wrong but there is a quite voice in my head saying to fuck it and just kiss him. I go with that one and meet Rowan halfway. I crashed my lips on his and he releases my hands and places his own on my hips. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my hands through his hair. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I deny him making him growl. I smile through the kiss and we battle for dominance. His hands slide down and he lifts me up and pressed me against the wall. I gasp at this and It gives him the perfect opportunity to take over. I wrap my legs around him and we finally break apart gasping for air. I look into his eyes and smile. He looks at me with lust in his eyes and moves in for another kiss. I place my hand on his face and push him back. He lets go of me and stumbles back. I laugh and guide him out of my room then lock it. I hear him swear to himself before walking away and closing his bedroom door. I smile at the thought of what happened and pressed the button to make the glass walls and ceiling transparent again. I walk over to the balcony door and open it. Walking outside the warm humid Oregon heat hits me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes listening to the running water and nature all around me. It started to rain so I went back inside and went to bed thinking about that asshole and what to do about the little situation were in. And I hate to admit it but I think some feelings are starting for form and they would only get stronger.

I wake up the next morning and check my alarm clock. It ready 8:30am. "Great," I muttered before slowly getting out of bed. I get out of my room and head over to Rowans. I don't even knock and open the door quietly. I look around and didn't see him. I walk into the kitchen when I notice a note on the counter. I rip it open and read it.

Sorry I couldn't stay longer princess, but somethings came up with the gang so I had to leave early. Thank you for letting me crash at your place and I enjoyed out little heated moment, we should do that again sometime, but anyways I took a spare key I found in the guest drawer to the house I hope you don't mind and breakfast is in the microwave for you.

Until next time princess.

Rowan Knight.

I groan in frustration and throw the note across the room. Great just what I needed a gang leader now has access to my house! I would change the locks but at the same time I don't. Ill worry about it later I thought at walked over to the microwave to see a stack of pancakes. I squealed in delight and quickly grab them and drench the cakes in maple syrup. Man these tasted so good! Who knew a guy could cook so well. Once I was stuffed I washed everything and went up to my room to shower. Once I was all clean I quickly got dressed in some black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt. I pulled on my green combat boots and grabbed my keys. I go out to the garage and notice my Hummer isn't there. Crap I totally forgot about the other guys hopefully I'll see them at the warehouse. I walk over to my 2016 dodge charger and hop in. I then quickly race over to headquarters. I've got a lot I need to catch up on and talk to dad.

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