Chapter 5

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Rowans (POV)

I felt kinda guilty leaving Alexis like that but I'll go see her soon. The emotions that flow through me are new. I've never felt this way for a girl before. I can't help but fear for our future, the risks of us being together are too great. Enemy gangs would use her against me and I don't know how her father would take the idea of me being with her... I finally arrive at my place and when I go inside I spot my mother in the kitchen and my little sister Ella helping her make dinner. My father passed away 3 years ago when the gang was invaded, forcing me at the age of 17 to take over. I sneak over to them and wrap my arms around their shoulders scaring them. My mother jumped and glared at me slapping my arm. "Rowan Lee Knight, you better not do that again!" She yelled at me. I laughed and kissed her on the cheek along with Ella's before going up to my room. I laid down on my bed and checked my phone spotting an unknown number. I check my messages worried who got their hands on my number. The text read "Thank you for the pancakes asshole see you soon." I smile immediately knowing who it was. I created a contact and labeled it My Princess, before shutting off my phone and going to the shower. Afterwards I changed into jeans and a sweatshirt. I checked my phone and saw 5 missed calls from my 2nd in command Colton. I swore and called him and he immediately picked up. "Colton what the hell is wrong?" I yell concerned. "Boss the Cunningham gang is in some deep shit right now, we need to do something or this alliance won't last very long." He said sounding worried. "Well what's happening?" I ask speed walking out of my room and downstairs. "It's the Six Crows gang boss, there taking hostages and if we don't do something soon, Mr. Cunningham will have our asses." I hop into my car and drive as fast as possible to get to the warehouse. "Got it I'll be there soon start organizing parties and get them going we don't have much time." I yell picking up speed. "Yes boss." Colton says and hangs up. I throw my phone onto the passenger side "DAMN IT!!" I yell gripping the wheel tighter as I zoom to the house. Hold on Princess I'm coming to get you.

Alexis (POV)

I was stuck in my office all day doing paperwork and making phone calls. I assured everyone that I was fine after the attack during the mission and my shoulder is healing just fine. After finally finishing everything I pack up getting ready to leave for home. I walk to my dad's office and knock. He yells come in and I walk in. Once he realizes it's me a huge smile replaces his frown. "Hey dad," I say leaning against the door frame. "Hey pumpkin how are you holding up?" He asking gesturing to my shoulder. "I'm fine". I say with a shrug. "I just came in to let you know I'm heading home for the night." I say. He nods and I turn to leave. "Stay safe pumpkin," He calls after me. "I always do!" I yell back closing the door. I have to be since it's just my dad and I that's left. My beautiful mother died from cancer 8 years ago when I was only 12 years old. It's been tough without her and taking over her position meant I had to grow up faster than anyone else. It was really tough on my father but he have grown closer than ever and I think he has moved on. I grabbed my jacket and went down to the garage to see my hummer sitting there! "My baby!" I squeal running over to it and giving the car a hug. I check to make sure there isn't even a scratch on it and am satisfied before jumping in. It was pitch black out by the time I arrived home. I close the garage door and hit the security button to activate the cameras and movement sensors. I walk inside to the kitchen and quickly make myself a sandwich before running up the stairs to my room. I change into a huge T-shirt that went down to my mid-thigh and took my jeans off because those suckers can get uncomfortable after a while. With my half eaten sandwich I walk out to the balcony and listen to the nature and watch the trees flow in the wind. I take my hair out of my ponytail and let it flow in the wind. I could stand here forever I thought and closed my eyes taking a deep breath. Just when I was about to go inside the wind stops and all of the nature goes silent. Not even a grasshopper was making a noise. I freeze and around. Something feels off, I rush to my bedroom but before I could reach the balcony door handle someone tackles me to the ground. My head hits the cement hard and I groan in pain. I didn't even sense their presence! How did they get past my security system? These questions ran through my head as I slowly stumble getting up to face my attacker. He was huge and was dressed in all black except for one arm which had a tattoo of 6 crows on it. Oh great the 6 crows gang was after us. I get into a fighting stance not ever caring that I'm not wearing pants. The man laughed "This will be a piece of cake sweetheart, why don't you give up now so I won't have to hurt you're pretty little face, and we can go have some fun later?" He says grinning. A burst of anger suddenly flowed through me and I lunged throwing a perfect punch that drilled him right in the nose. He stumbles back shocked that I attacked him. Blood dripped from his nose and he growled before attacking. I easily dodged his blows because they were all slow and easy to read. I then did a round kick drilling him in the side of the knee causing him to collapse. I then felt pain run down my arm. Crap I forgot about my shoulder injury, I then felt a warm liquid run down my arm. I probably just ripped the stitches, re-opening the wound. I try to apply pressure to my shoulder but it hurt like a bitch. I needed to end this fight soon. The huge guy noticed my injury and took advantage of it, kicking my feet from under me I landed on my side on my injured shoulder. I gasp in pain and slam my hand on the concrete floor. The guy then picks me up by my collar and slams me against the wall causing me to hit my head again. Black dots started appearing in my vision. I was losing too much blood and the head injury wasn't helping either. I try to struggle and push him away but when it came to one on one for strength, I was destined to lose and couldn't move him. Tears started forming in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. The man smiled and leaned closer placing his lips on my neck leaving small wet kisses up and down my neck then running up my jaw line. I hated him and I hated this. I started shaking in fear "cry for me sweetheart," he whispered in my ear and this time I couldn't help it. A single tear ran down my check. He laughed and pressed a cloth soaked in chloroform to my mouth. I refused to breath it in until he punched me in the stomach with so much force that I had to breathe in. Everything slowly turned to darkness and all I could hear was the man whispering "you're mine," before it went dark completely.  

Authors Note:

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the story so far leave a comment or suggestions on how I can make this story even better!             

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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