How KKPALM Triggers You!

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The things that trigger me about KKPALM
The second opening isn't any better.


Episode 8

Episode 34 & 36

The manga is probably better. I mean Salty Pepper is a good villan and the shipping vibes there are way better tbh.

Toei, stop making every single anime you make a freaking kids show. Because of this we will never see Yukari and Akira kiss.

For some people, why must you put so much hate on Ichika? Sure she can be dumb at times but if it wasn't for her, this team would not have been formed in he beginning!

Stop saying Ciel should replace Ichika as the leader.

Most of the episodes aren't really that amusing anymore...

In episode 39 people should stop saying Pekorin's acting as Lumiere sucks. SHE'S FREAKIG ADORIBLE!

Stop saying that Chobou (the elder fairy Idk the name tbh) should not be in this show. RESPECT THE ELDERLY!

I want more episodes with Bibury.

In episode 25 could Elisio give at least more time for Yukari and Chocolat just to see them kiss?

The live shows are cringe worthy. That's for all the precure seasons.

The whole action/climax in episode 39 is kinda good. People should stop talking trash.

Some ships in this season that I completely despise and ends up brainwashing some people here in wattpad and turning them to shipping it. I should probably unfollow them.

I'm sorry

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