Imagine 1 - Jack Avery

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"Me and Jack were just about as close as friends could get."

I sniffled keeping back the tears.

"We grew up as neighbours and our families were basically one family."

I can't hold them for much longer.

"We went to the same school we were in all the same classes, every chance we had we would spend it together."

A single tear slid down my face.

"He was the one person who could cheer me up without fail."

I felt the tear sliding over the mound of my cheek.

"He would constantly make me laugh without even trying, he was the most crazy goof ball someone could meet."

Another tear appeared as the first dripped off my face.

"When Jack moved away to join Why Don't We I was both beyond thrilled for him and sad at the same time, sad about the fact that I wouldn't be able to see my best friend every day."

More tears pooled in the corners of my eyes.

"But everyday he would call me, not a day went by without me talking to my noodle head."

I looked down from the stand to the wooden casket holding my husband.

"Even though we would talk everyday for hours things weren't the same, that's what made his visits home even more special."

Tears were streaming down my face at this point.

"I remember the day we told each other about the feelings we'd had for years, I
will never remember that night."

At this point I had lost, it all the memories of our times together kept racing through my head.

"The night we became a couple, I knew that this was the boy I wanted to be with for the rest of my life, the boy that I wanted to raise children with, the boy that I could see my future with"

I looked down at his family they were losing it too, they clutched to one another crying their eyes out.

"That night was the beginning to some of the most magical moments of my life, moments that little did I know were to only get better."

I looked over at the boys who were struggling not to lose it

"I moved into the Why Don't We house with him, the boys were all I ever could've asked for in a family"

I shallowed the lump in my throat and gazed down at the three rings on my finger.

"2 years after we started dating Jack gave me the first ring, the engagement ring."

Tears poured from my eyes as I remembered when he proposed, he had brought me to the most beautiful restaurant that over looked L.A and asked me to be his forever.

"6 months later we got married, thats the third day I will never forget."

Memories flashed into my head of our wedding day as I walked down the aisle with Isla in front of me, my father beside me and Christina the rest of my girlfriends trailing behind me.

"I remember my exact thoughts as I walked down that aisle, how did I ever get so lucky?"

Then I looked at the third ring and completely lost it.

"Then there is the third ring, this ring means more to me then anything, Jack gave me this ring after the accident, right before we all lost our favourite ramen noodle head."

Memories of the accident flashed through my head mercilessly, we were walking with the boys and I didn't hear the car coming, I remember Jack yelling my name and then pushing me out of the way, i was so confused as to why he did this, only when I heard the screeching of tyres did I realise that was the moment that would lead to the death of my beautiful husband, the moment where Jack had given it all for me.

"He has just woken up, I remember it so clearly he had turned to me and smiled so softly, it broke my heart. He asked where the boys where and I explained how they went to get Taco Bell, he tried laughing but he sounded broken, his laugh, it wasn't as pure as it used to be."

Tears were flowing relentlessly down my face by this point as I remember what happened next.

"One week later and everything seemed to be looking up but then the doctor came in, explaining to us that he wasn't going to make it, he said how over the next 5 days Jack would die, I distinctly remember how I felt, I'd never been so heart broken in my life, at this point Jack quietly asked me if he could speak with the boys, I knew that he needed to discuss band stuff with them and that he needed some alone time with them."

I felt my heartbreak all over again as I forced myself to replay the memories.

"5 days later Corbyn walked into the hospital room as we said our goodbyes, I was a bulbering mess, I didn't want to lose him, I knew that I was being greedy but I just found it so hard to grasp the idea of losing him. Corbyn handed him a box and shakes his hand firmly before pulling him into a tight loving hug, his one last farewell, before smiling sadly at me."

I looked over at Corbyn it was obvious he too was replaying the memory, he looked up at me smiling in the same sad tone as he clutched onto Christina afraid of losing her.

"After Corbyn left Jack turned to me, tears were threatening to spill from his eyes but I could tell he was trying to stay strong for me, he picked up my hand and slipped on the third ring, saying in his broken voice that this ring was to remind me of all the good times and to always remember him in a happy way, that all the memories should be happy and that I shouldn't cry when I think about him."

I clutched this ring between my hands tightly as I looked at the photos of my lover.

I walked over to him and clutched onto the side of the coffin.

"I'm sorry Jack, I know that you never liked the idea of people crying about you,I know that all you wanted to do both in life and in death was to make people happy and I promise that I will get back to that but at the moment, I can't help but cry, you were all l ever needed and now your gone, and the thought of never hearing your laugh again, or see your smile or just be able to interact with you in anyway breaks my heart. I promise to you that even if it's the death of me I promise to raise our child the right way and I promise that he will know who his father was and all the happiness he brought to the world."

I know that was a really sad way to start this book and I apologise, updates will most likely not be regular, if u want a part 2 please comment to say so also request are open so yeah, stay smiling :)

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