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Katie's P.O.V

"Thanks Alex."I said as he dropped me off at Elizabeth's the next day.I waved goodbye and went to knock on Elizabeth's front door."I was starting to think you wouldn't show!"Elizabeth shrieked ashen she opened the door."Why wouldn't I?"I asked as I followed her into the livingroom and saw Heather, Taya, Samantha and Jordan."All that matters is that your here

now."Heather said pulling me to the floor next to her."What were y'all doin before got here?"I asked."Playing Just Dance,"Taya replied handing me a Win controller,"Now it's your

turn.Jordan has beat everyone."I glanced over at Jordan who just happened to be smirking at me."Wipe the look off your face cause your about to go down!"I said.He rolled his eyes and continued to smirk as he quickly picked a song.Soon 'Blow' by Ke$ha was blasting from the speakers as we started to dance.I was winning towards the end, until Jordan tripped and fell.Since this wad Jordan and I, it wasn't a normal fall.Jordan landed on top of me as we fell to the hardwood floor."Are you ok?"He askex as he helped me up.I nodded and said,"I think this takes up for my fall."Everyone started laughing."Now I can't make fun of you anymore."Jordan said in a fake sad voice."Whatever,"I said,"Get your butt back up here so we can have a rematch!"

Jordan's P.O.V

"Ok,"I said laughing,"I think you beat me."Katie smirked and said,"There's no 'thinking' to it."I sat back down on the couch ntext to Samantha and and said,"Is she always this competitive, or is it something I just bring out?"Samantha laughed and

said,"She's usually worse, but we love her."Katie faked a hurt look and said,"You think I'm competitive? I'm not the one who deliberately tripped another player and fell on them to sabotage the game!"Jordan held up his hands and laughed as he said,"It was an accident!"Your just mad cause your the one who 'went down'!"

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