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Katie's P.O.V

"I'm gonna get in so much trouble,"I thought as I walked through the

park,"I'm not the type that can skip school and get away with it."I pulled the note from my pocket and read the minicing words over again.


I told you to warn him.Now I'm comming after you.

I was shaking.I knew the note had been Blake's doing.He probably got one of the lesser jocks to throw it at me.I felt a sharp pang in my chest as I thought back to how Blake was when we first started dating.He had been so sweet and loving and now he was just cold and bitter.I had to find a way to tell Jordan.

Jordan's P.O V

I text Katie as soon as school was out.

J-Are you ok? Where were you?

K-No, I'm not...

J-Why not?

K-I can't explain over a text.Can you come to my house?

J-I'll be there in two seconds.

I started up my truck and quickly drove to her house.Once there, I knocked on the door and was greeted by Mrs.Wilder."Come in Dear,"She said gesturing me inside,"Katie's out back.Just go that way through the kitchen and you'll find the back

door."I nodded and followed her directions to the back porch.Katie was curled up in a wicker deck

chair."Hey,"I said as I sat down next to her,"What's wrong?"Katie looked up and that's when I noticed that she was crying."Tell me."I said as I pulled her onto my lap."B-Blake threatened me.He told me before to warn you and now he's coming after me.I'm so scared Jordan.Blake is a nasty and disgusting person and he scares

me."She sobbed.I held her closer and whispered,"It's ok.I told you before that I'm scared to lose you

again.That means that I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep you safe."

My Sweeto StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang