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Katie's P.O.V

"Thanks for walking me home."I said to Jordan as we walked down Elizabeth's driveway."Anytime.We give near each other, so it's only

fair."I laughed and said,"Ok.Can I ask you something?"He was quiet for a minute before he said,"Go for it."I put my handsbin the pockets of my skinny jeans and said,"Well, I was woundering if you'd tell me about yourself?I don't like being friends with someone and know nothing about them."Jordan laughed and said,"What do you want to know?"I thought for a minute and said,"That kind of music are you interested in?"He was quiet for another minute before he said,"All Time Low and Black Veil Brides! What about you?"I smiled and said,"I'm into BOTDF and All Time Low.The loud 'emo' music makes me happy I guess."He nodded and said,"That's how I feel.Everyone gave me a hard time for what I was interested in.That's why I started my YouTube channel."Grinning, I

said,"I'm glad I ran into someone like you."We had already reached my house by this time."I feel the sane way,"He said as he turned and started back down the steps,"Can I text you later?"I nodded vigorously and said,"I'd be insulted if you didn't!"

Jordan's P.O.V

After dinner that night, I went back upstairs to my room and fell back on my bed,deep in thought.I found it amazing that I couldn't shake Katie Wilder from my thoughts.She was beautiful and perfect in so many ways and I barely even knew her!"Damn,"I thought,"Is this what love feels like?"I immediately dismissed that thought.She probably had a boyfriend and if she didn't then why would she want a freak that held a secret like me? I pulled my phone from my ny pocket and quickly text her.


K-Hey Jay;)

J-Jay? Nobody calls me that:)

K-Should I not?

J-No! I like it:3

K-Alright.what are you doing?

J-Laying in bed.You?

K-Plotting ways to get back at Samantha for the pictures she pissed of us on Facebook>:)

J-God! I just saw them! I'm now helping you plot!# dubious

K-Love it! Any good plans?;)

J-Hold hey over the chasm they did to Tris in Divergent!^*^

K-Love it! But I gotta go now cause my mom is calling for me downstairs! Bye!^_^


I smiled to myself as I put my phone down."It's official,"I thought,"I'm in love with her."

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