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Katie's P.O.V

"Damn you for getting sick today Alex."I thought as I climbed the steps of the bus.I quickly found a seat and sat down before I scrolled through my music.Soon my favorite BVB song 'Ritual' was blasting through my headphones.I looked out the window, lost in thougt, when I felt a ball of paper hit me.I picked it up and glanced around to see who had thrown it.Shrugging, I looked back down at the paper and uncrumbled

it.Reading what was on the paper, I gasped and felt tears in my eyes.

Jordan's P.O.V

"I guess Katie isn't here

today."Samantha said as she and Elizabeth walked up beside me."Why do you guess that?"I questioned as we walked into my math class."She'd normally be here by now and I didn't see Alex's car in the lot."Samantha replied.I groaned to myself as I thought,"A whole day without

her? How will I make it?"


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