Chapter 1(Annelise's POV)

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"HE IS TOTALLY STARING AT YOU." My friend, Ashlee,texted again. I just smile to myself. She sends the same text everyday during World History. I know who she's talking about. The new transfer kid, Aaron, sits in the next row on my left, and two seats back. Ashlee, insists that he's staring but I don't believe her.  Why should I? He's super hot (with black hair, bright blue eyes,and darkly tanned skin),quiet,already has friends(not just the other transfer kids who came with him) and most girls like him, myself included. I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I'm not pretty, I say things before thinking, I'm sassy and snarky, I only have a few close friends, and, when it comes to dating, boys can't seem to run away fast enough. He's like a flame to moths, while I'm a can of bug spray. And my Mom wonders why I have low self-esteem. The bell rings as my phone vibrates and I look at it again.

"HE IS STARING. I PROMISE. JUST LOOK." I sigh as I gather my books. I don't even attempt. Why look at him, when I know that I'll end up disappointed in the end.Just like with my dad. Ashlee,walks up to me and loops her arm around mine. "Come on, you didn't even look." She's exasperated with me. 

"Ash, there's no way he'll look at me. He's. . . .(another sigh). .perfect, and I'm. . . .unlovable." Her face darkens in concern. 

"Ann, whoever told you that?" I quickly grab my books and run out of class, Ashlee calling after me. It hurt so bad. He is new, and yet has so much attention. And it hurts so much to watch him from afar, trying not to get my hopes up.  He seems so kind and wonderful and smart. So calm and relaxed.  I sigh. Going away to college was supposed to help me get over my problems. Not make them worse.

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