Chapter 7 (Annelise's POV)

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 "I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going! " Aaron sweetly scrambled to grab my books. We had been walking in the same direction, not paying attention to where the other was walking and had run into each other, causing me to drop the books and folder I had been carrying. 

"Its fine! Its fine!" I bent down to grab some more papers before they blew away.  

"I got it." Aaron said. . . no, growled? I stood up and glanced at him. He stood up, holding my things and cleared his throat. "Its fine. I got it." He handed me my things. 

"Ummm. . . thanks. Aaron, right?" I tried to play stupid, like I didn't already know his name. 

"Yeah. And your Annelise." I nodded,  and he chuckled. A deep, throaty sound that took my breath away. " What you doing?"

"I was going out to meet some friends."

"What a coincidence, he took on a tone of mock astonishment, I'm doing the same thing." I couldn't help but laugh at his tone. I stopped and looked down at the ground. We were quiet for a moment.

"You okay? Did I say something to hurt you?" He gently turned my face up to look at him. His eyes, beautiful dark blue-green, sparkled with concern.

"No, its fine." I scoffed at myself. "I probably sound like a total idiot." I looked right into his eyes as they flashed a deep purple-red color.  Confused I turned away. 

"Hey, its alright. Don't ever say something like that about yourself." He took my arm gently, probably so I wouldn't drop my stuff. He sighed and I looked back at him. He quickly smiled, as I looked. 

"Hey, tonight my brothers, friends, and I are going to the Nocte' bar tonight. You and your friends want to join us?" I giggled, like an idiot, and he chuckled again.

"It's the funniest thing. That's where my friends were planning on hanging out tonight. Except  I don't drink." We laughed for another minute before descending into a peaceful quiet. 

I cleared my throat. "Well, I guess I'll see you there." I tried to pull away but he still gripped my arm. Freak! How does he have such a strong grip?!

He pulled me closer and I gulped. He leaned a little closer. "Yes I will, mea." He sounded strange, something about his voice. But once I registered our closer distance, he had let go of my arm and quickly walked in the opposite direction.  Wow. I released a breath I didn't realize I had been holding. Wow.

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