Chapter 2 cont.

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I glare at Isaac. "You want to directly disobey an order, and then think you can hide behind my pathetic persona, RiverNight?" My voice, no longer Aaron's pathetic American accent has now changed to my Latin one. He backs away from me, his fear evident, making me grin darkly. 

"I'm sorry, Dark Warrior. I was just . . ."

"Go home, you pathetic excuse for a wolf." He turn and runs from me. Coward. I turn back towards Amica mea. She and her friend, whatever her name is, get into her friend's 2004 white Chevy Impala. I glare as they drive away. The stupid Omega has to ruin everything! I turn away to go and find the pack. It's time to head home, and I'm sick of waiting. I suppress Aaron, push him down. I'm sick of the weakling I share this body with. 

"Aaron, are you okay?" I turn sharply towards my Beta, Aric. He takes a step back when he sees the intensity of my face but he doesn't show fear like RiverNight did. That's the reason he's my second. He isn't afraid.

"Take the rest of the pack home.Make them stay! I need time alone." He nods and runs off. I turn towards the direction the car went. For Amica mea, this Alpha is going hunting. 

Hope you guys like what I've got so far. Leave comments (this is my first story, please be nice). Also, unless you speak Latin Amica mea means My Love.

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